qua : (adv.) by which route, where.
qua : (fem. sing. abl.) (the abbess) BY WHOM she was advised.
quadraginta : forty (indecl.)
quadratus : square, a square.
quadrigae : four-horse team.
quadrivium : second stage of the medieval curriculum
quadrivium : crossroads, place where four roads meet.
quadrum : a square
quadruplator : an exaggerator, informer
quadruplor : to be an informant.
quae : (neut. pl. nom.) WHAT cannot be avoided must be endured.
quae que : (fem. sing. nom.) (the milkmaid), WHO loved a prince.
quae : (neut. pl. acc.) those things WHICH we must have
quae : (fem. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (women) WHO have ears to hear ..
quaero quero : to seek, search for/ask, enquire, search for
quaero quero : to miss, want/seek to know/obtain, get.
quaesitio quesitio : investigation, interrogation.
quaeso queso : to seek for, ask for.
quaestio questio : seeking, searching/inquiry, investigation.
quaestuosus questuosus : profitable, fond of gain, rich.
quaestus questus : profit, a source of profit, gaining, getting.
qualis : of what kind? of the kind that.
qualiscumque : of any kind whatever, any whatever.
qualislibet : of what sort you will.
qualitas : quality, property.
qualiter : as, just as.
quam plures : as many as possible.
quam : (adv. and conj.) how, than, as ... as possible.
quam : (fem. sing. acc.) (the church), WHICH the Lord loved.
quamdiu : such a long time.
quamobrem, quam ob rem : wherefore? why? for which reason.
quamquam : nevertheless, and yet (beginning a sentence)/though.
quamtotius : ? completely.
quamvis : (conj) however much, although/as much as you like.
quando : (interr.) when si quando : if ever.
quandoquidem : since, because.
quanti : for how much, at what price.
quanto : by how much (+ comp. adj. or adv.)
quantocius quantotius : the soon the better.
quantocius quantotius : as quickly as possible.
quantum in me est : as much as in me lies.
quantum : (+ gen.) as much of ... as.
quantum : how much?, how much!, as much as.
quantus ... quantus : as great as, as much as.
quantus : how great?, how great!, how much, as great as.
quantuscumque quantacumque quantumcumque : however great
quantuslibet : as much as you will, as great as you will.
quantuvis : as great as you please, however great.
quapropter : wherefore.
quare : wherefore, why, because of which thing.
quartus : fourth.
quarum : (f. pl. gen.) their envy and jealousy, OF WHICH we know.
quas : (f. pl. acc.) the fates, against whom he struggled
quasi : as if, just as, just as if, as it were/a sort of
quassatio : a shaking.
quasso : to shake violently, shake to pieces, break, shatter..
quatenus/quatinus : since, as, in order that, that.
quatenus/quatinus : how far, to what extent, where, seeing that.
quater : four times/again and again.
quattuor : four (indecl.)
quem : (masc. sing. acc.) (the man), WHOM the king struck.
quemadmodum : how, in what manner.
queo : to be able.
quercetum : an oak grove, and oak forest.
quercus : oak tree.
quereia querella : complaint, complaining.
queribundus : complaining, plaintive, whining.
querimonia : complaint, a charge in court.
queritor : to complain excessively, whine, gripe.
quernus : oaken.
queror : to complain, lament, bewail (dogs) whine, whimper.
querulus : complaining, whining, lamenting.
qui quae que quod : which, what, that.
qui : (masc. pl. nom.) Let THOSE (men) WHO have eyes to see ...
qui : (masc. neut. nom.) (the prince) WHO loved a milkmaid
quia : because.
quibus : (neut. pl. abl.) the arms WITH WHICH he won Rome.
quibus : (fem. pl. dat.) the good fortune, TO WHICH he owed his crown.
quibus : (neut. pl. dat.) the crimes FOR WHICH he was executed.
quibus : (masc. pl. dat.) the monastery IN WHICH he was interred.
quibus : (masc. pl. abl.) his sons, BY WHOM he was attacked when old
quibus : (fem. pl. abl.) the beards, BY WHICH the pirates were known.
quibuscum : ????
quicquid : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
quid : (neut. of quis ) : what
quidam quaedam quedam quidam : a certain person or thing,/kind of.
quidem : indeed, certainly, at least/ne ... quidem : not ... even.
quies quietis : quiet, rest, peace.
quilibet : anyone, anything.
quin etiam : why even, in fact, moreover.
quin : but come now, rather, indeed,
quinam quaenam quenam quodnam : which? what?
quingenti : five hundred.
quinquennis : five years old.
quippe : certainly, to be sure, indeed, of course.
quisnam, quidnam : who, what.
quisquam : anyone, anything.
quisque : each one, each person.
quisquis : whoever, whatever, whatsoever, anything at all.
quo : to which place, to what place, whither, where.
quo : (masc. sing. abl.) (the money) BY means of WHICH he lived.
quo : (neut. sing. abl.) (the eagerness) THROUGH WHICH he died.
quod : because, whereas, the point that, the fact that.
quod : (with time) since, as far as, to the extent that.
quod : (beginning sentence) and, but, now.
quod : (neut. sing. acc.) (the sea), WHICH you cannot drink dry.
quod : (neut. sing. nom.) (the war), WHICH killed so many.
quodammodo : in a certain way, in a certain measure.
quomodo : in what manner, how/in whatever way, somehow.
quondam : formerly, once, at one time, erstwhile.
quoniam : since, whereas, because.
quoque : also, too.
quorum : (neut. pl. gen.) dangers, OF WHICH there were not a few.
quorum : (masc. pl. gen.) the army, half OF WHICH was ill.
quos : (masc. pl. acc.) those WHOM he accused of treachery.
quot : how many, as many (indecl.).
quotiens : often.
quotienscumque : however often.
quovis : to whatever place you will.
radicitus : by the roots, utterly.
rapio rapui ratum : to seize, snatch, carry away.
rarus : rare, uncommon.
ratio : system, manner, method, procedure, manner.
ratio : reckoning, account/reason, judgment, consideration.
re vera : in truth.
recedo : to go back, retreat, retire, disappear.
recipio recepi receptum : to go back, retire, recede, retreat.
recito : to read aloud, recite.
recognosco : to recognize, recollect, recall.
recolo : to recall, reflect upon, rework, resume, rehabilitate.
recolo : to cultivate, work again, resume, rehabilitate
recolo : reflect upon, consider, recall.
reconcilio : to restore, repair/(of persons) unite, reconcile.
recondo : lay up, store, hoard.
recordatio : recollection, memory, recall.
recordor : to remember, think of, recollect, ponder over.
recro : to recreate, restore, revive.
rectum : virtue, right
rectus : right, correct, proper, upright, natural, plain.
recuperatio : recovery, recuperation.
recupero : to regain, recoup, recover.
recuso : to refuse.
redarguo : refute, disprove, contradict.
redarguo : disprove, refute. With gen. prove guilty, convict.
reddo : to repeat, recite, represent, imitate, pay up, deliver.
reddo : to give back, restore, return, answer, translate, render.
redemptio : ransoming, redemption, buying back, farming taxes.
redemptor : redeemer (Christ).
redeo : to go back, come back, return/(revenue) to come in.
redeo : to fall back upon, be reduced to, be brought to.
redigo (redactum) : to bring or reduce to a condition, lessen.
redono : to give back, give up.
reduco : to lead back, bring back, return.
redundantia : overflowing, redundancy.
redundo : to overflow, stream over, overflow, excess, flood.
refectorium : refectory, monastic mess hall.
refero : to bring back a message, refer.
reformo : to form again, mould anew.
regina : queen.
regius : royal, regal.
regnum : rule, authority, kingdom, realm.
rego rexi rectum : to guide, direct, to rule.
regula : rule/monastic rule.
relaxo : to loosen, enlarge, relax, ease, lighten.
relego relegi relectum : to read again, re-read.
relevo : to lift again, lighten, alleviate, relieve.
relictus : (fr. relinquo) having inherited, been bequeathed.
relinquo : to leave behind, bequeath/abandon, forsake.
reliquos : see reliquum
reliquum : remainder, what is left, leavings.
relucesco : to become bright again.
reluctor : to struggle against, resist.
remando : to send back word.
remaneo : to stay behind, remain, continue.
remaneo : to remain behind, stay, continue.
rememdium : cure, remedy, nostrum, medicine.
removeo : to draw back, set aside, take away.
remuneror : to repay, reward.
renuntio : to declare, announce, report, give notice.
renuo : to deny, refuse, reject.
rependo : to ransom, pay back, requite.
repens : sudden, unexpected, fresh, recent.
repente : suddenly, unexpectedly.
repere : to crawl.
reperio : to get again, find, ascertain, discover, invent.
repetitio : repetition.
repeto : to seek again, ask back.
repeto : to return to, begin again, deduce, recall, recollect.
repleo : to replenish, fill up, fill up again, fill, satisfy.
repletus : filled, full.
repo repsi reptum : to creep, crawl.
repono : to deposit, lay up, store/requite.
reprehendo : to blame, reprove, refute, hold back, check, catch.
repugno : to fight against, oppose, resist/be incompatible with.
requiesco requievi requietum : to rest.
requiro : to ask for, look for, demand, desire, miss.
res rei : thing, matter, business, affair.
res publica : commonwealth, state, republic, public business.
resisto : to resist, make a stand, oppose.
respicio : to look back, provide for, respect, have regard for.
respondeo respondi responsum : to answer, reply, respond.
respondet : he/she/it answers
restituo : restore, put back, replace, reinstate, repair.
resumo (resumpsi, resumptum) : to renew, repeat, resume.
retineo : to hold back, restrain, detain, keep, maintain.
retraho retraxi retractum : to draw back, pull back.
retribuo : to give again, give as due.
reus : defendant, accused, answerable, bound.
revenio : to come back, return.
reverto : to go back, return, revert.
revertor reverti reversus : to return, come back.
revoco : to call back, recover, refer, revoke.
revolvo : to unroll a book, go over again, repeat.
rex regis : king.
rhetor : rhetorician, teacher of rhetoric.
rhetoricus : rhetorical.
rideo risi risum : to laugh at, laugh.
ridet : he/she/it laughs
rigor : stiffness, hardness, sternness.
ritus : usage, ceremony, rite.
rogo eum ut +subjunctive : to ask someone to do something.
rogo, rogare : to ask, ask for.
rostrum : bill of a bird, beak.
rota : wheel.
Rotomagense : Rouen.
rotundus : wheel-shaped, round.
rubor : redness, blush, modesty, shame, disgrace.
rudimentum : trial, attempt, essay.
rumor : rumor, gossip.
ruo rui rutum : to rush, fall, be ruined.
rursus : on the other hand, in return, back, again.
rus ruris : the country, countryside, rural area.
rusticus : rustic, rural/peasant.
sabbatum : sabbath.
sacculus : purse, little bag, little sack.
sacrificum : sacrifice.
sacrilegus : sacrilegious, impious.
saepe sepe : hedge, fence, enclosure, haye.
saepe sepe : often, frequently, repeatedly.
saepenumero : repeated, again and again.
saepius sepius : often, frequently, repeatedly.
saeta : hair.
saeta equina : horse-hair.
saevio : to rage, be furious, take violent action.
sal salis : salt, wit.
salsus : salty, witty.
saltem : at least, at all events.
salus : health, safety, well-being, salvation/salutation.
salutat : he/she/it greets
saluto : to wish well, greet, visit, reverence, pay respect to.
salutor : visitor, caller.
salveo : to be well, be in good health.
salvus : safe, sound.
sanctifico : to sanctify, make holy.
sanctimonia : purity, charity, virtue, sanctity, sacredness.
sanctimonialis : nun.
Sanctus Eleutherius : St. Eligius.
Sanctus Egidius : St. Gilles.
sanctus : holy, sacred,/saint.
Sanctus Rodoenus : St. Ouen.
sane : rationally, sensibly, really, indeed, to be sure.
sanitas : health, soundness of mend, sanity.
sano : to heal.
Santiago : St. James.
sanus : sound, healthy, sane.
sapiens : (subs.) a wise man, philosopher.
sapiens : wise, judicious.
sapienter : wisely, judiciously.
sapientia : wisdom.
sarcina : bundle, pack, burden, load.
satago : to pay a creditor, satisfy a creditor.
satago : have one's hands full, have enough to do.
satio : to satisfy, sate.
satis : enough, sufficient/sufficiently.
sato : to sow, plant.
satura : satire.
saturo : to fill, satisfy.
scaber : scabby, rough.
scabies : the itch, mange, a rash.
Scaldus : Scheldt.
scamnum : bench, stool.
scaphium (sciphus : Herimann, cap. 24) pot, bowl, drinking vessel
sceleratus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.
scelero : to pollute with guilt, with blood, etc.
scelestus : wicked, accursed, infamous, criminal.
scelus sceleris : crime, sin, evil deed, wickedness.
schola : school/elite troop of soldiers.
scientia : knowledge, science, skill.
scilicet : evidently, certainly, of course, no doubt, assuredly.
scindo : to cut, rend, split, divide, separate.
scio scivi scitum : to know.
scio : to know, understand.
scio : to know, understand.
scisco : investigate, ask, inquire/vote, ordain, resolve.
scribo, scripsi scriptum : to write, compose.
scrinium : bookcase, case for papers.
scriptor : writer, author, scribe.
se habere : to keep oneself.
se gero : to conduct oneself, conduct, carry on.
se astringo : to commit oneself to.
secedo : to go apart, withdraw.
secerno secrevi secretum : to separate.
secundum : (adv.) after, behind.
secundum : (+ inf.), following, after, during, according to.
secundus : second.
securus : safe, secure, free from care, unworried, unconcerned.
secus : non secus, haud secus: just so.
secus : otherwise, not so.
secus + atque or quam : differently from, otherwise than.
secus : wrongly, badly, not as one would wish.
secuutus : follower, pursuer.
sed : but/and indeed, what is more.
sedeo sedi sessum : to sit.
seditio : dissension, quarrel, insurrection, mutiny, rising.
sedo : to settle, smooth, calm, allay.
sedet : he/she/it sits
seductor : seducer.
semel : a single time, for the first time, even once, once, ever.
semper : always, ever.
senectus : old age, dotage.
senex senis : old, aged, old man.
sensus : feeling, sense.
sententia : opinion, thought, way of thinking, meaning, purpose.
sentio : to judge, suppose, vote.
sentio : feel, perceive, experience, hold an opinion,
seorsum : apart, separately.
sepelio : to ruin, destroy, bury.
septem : seven.
sepulchrum : grave, tomb, sepulcher.
seputus : buried, sunk, immersed.
sequax : following, attending, pursuing.
sequor sequi secutus : to follow, trail.
serio : seriously.
serius : serious, grave, solemn.
sermo : talk, common talk, rumor, report, discussion.
sermo : discussion, talk, common talk, conversation, rumor.
sero : to sow, plant. also, late, at a late hour.
servio : (+ dat.) to be a slave to, serve.
servitus : servitude, slavery.
servo : to watch over, keep, protect, observe, save, reserve.
servus : slave, serf.
sese : =se : himself, herself, itself.
severitas : severity, rigor, sternness, strictness.
si : if.
sibimet : to them themselves.
sic : so, thus/yes, that is so, that is right.
siccus : dry, thirsty/sober, temperate.
Siclinium : Seclin.
Siclinium : Seclin in Melanchois.
sicut : as, just as, as it were, (+verb in subj.) just as if.
sidus : constellation, star.
signum : sign, seal, indication, sign.
silens : silent, still
silenti etc : the dead.
silentium : silence, stillness, quiet, repose, obscurity.
silentium : (religion) faultlessness, perfection.
sileo : to be still, silent/(+ acc.) be silent about/rest.
siligo -inis : wheat, wheat flour.
silva : woods, forest.
similis : similar, like, resembling.
similitudo : likeness, resemblance/uniformity.
simplex : simple, unaffected.
simul atque : as soon as.
simul : at once, at the same time, together.
simulatio : pretense,
sine : (+ abl.) without.
singularis : alone, unique, extraordinary, individual, singular.
singuli : one each, one apiece, single, separate.
singultim : stammeringly.
singultus : sobbing, gasping.
singultus : sobbing, death rattle.
singulus : single, separate, one at a time, one each.
sino : allow, suffer, permit, let.
siquidem : since, indeed
sitio : to be thirsty.
sitis : thirst, dryness, drought, eager desire.
sive seu : or if.
socer : father in law.
socius : sharing, associated, allied.
socius : partner, comrade, associate, ally, fellow.
sodalitas : fellowship, companionship, secret society.
sol solis : sun.
soleo : to be accustomed, be used to.
solio : ? Herimann, cap. 28.
solitudo solitudinis : loneliness, solitude.
solium : chair of state, throne/bath-tub.
sollers : clever, skillful.
sollicito : to stir up, incite, arouse.
sollicitudo : uneasiness, anxiety, disquiet, apprehension.
sollicitudo : concern, anxiety, solicitude, worry.
sollicitus : uneasy, worried, anxious, restless, agitated.
sollicitus : troubled, anxious, concerned, worried.
solum : land, country, soil, ground/bottom, floor, foundation.
solum : non solum ... sed etiam : not only ... but also.
solum : (adv) just, alone, only.
solus : alone, only, the only.
solutio : loosening/payment/solution/explanation.
solvo : to loosen, untie, release, free, dissolve, break up.
somniculosus : sleepy, drowsy
somniculouse : sleepily, drowsily.
somnio : to dream/(+ acc.) to dream of, imagine foolishly.
somnium : dream, fancy, day-dream/foolishness, nonsense.
somnus : sleep.
sonat : he/she/it sounds
sonitus : noise, sound.
sono : to make a noise/sing/celebrate/(of words) to mean.
sophismata : false conclusions, logical fallacies.
sopor : deep sleep.
sordeo : to be dirty, appear vile.
sordes : filth, meanness, stinginess.
sordesco : to become dirty.
sortitus : casting lots, deciding by lot.
spargo sparsi sparsum : scatter, strew, spread.
speciosus : beautiful, handsome, imposing/specious plausible.
spectaculum : spectacle, show.
spectat : he/she/it watches
specto : to look at, watch, see.
speculum : mirror.
specus : cave, cavern, grotto, den.
sperno sprevi spretum : to scorn, despise, spurn.
spero : to hope for, hope.
spes : hope.
spiculum : sharp point, sting, spear, dart.
spiritus : breath, breathing/life/spirit.
spoliatio : plundering, looting, stripping, robbing.
spolio : to strip, plunder, despoil, rob, loot
spolium : spoils, plunder, booty.
sponte : willingly, of one's own accord, unaided.
St. Richarius : St. Riquier.
stabilis : firm, stable, steadfast.
stabilitas : firmness, stability, durability.
Stabulaus : Stavelot.
statim : firmly, steadfastly, on the spot, at once, immediately.
statua : statue.
statuo : to give a ruling, make an arrangement, decide.
statuo : to cause to stand, establish, place, set up.
stella : star.
stillicidium : dripping moisture, rainwater from the eaves.
stipes, itis : log, tree-trunk, branch, post, club, blockhead.
stipes : log, stump, tree trunk, branch, post, club.
stips, stipis : small coin, gift.
sto, steti, statum : to stand, stand still, stand firm.
strenuus : brisk, active, vigorous/turbulent, restive.
strues : piles, heaps, masses.
studio : (+ dat.) to study, pursue eagerly, be eager for.
studiose : eagerly.
studium : eagerness, zeal.
stultus : foolish/a fool.
suadeo : to recommend, advise (a person)
suasoria : persuasive discourse.
sub : (+ acc. or dat.) under, up under, close to, beneath, below.
subito : adv. suddenly, unexpectedly.
subitus : sudden, unexpected.
subiungo : to yoke beneath, join, attach, subdue, subjugate.
sublime : on high, aloft.
subnecto : to bind on beneath, to tie.
subseco : to cut away, pare
subsequor : to follow after
substantia : substance, essence, means of subsistence, property.
subvenio : to come up to aid, relieve.
subvenio : to come to the aid, succor, relieve, help, assist.
succedo : to approach, submit, etc. etc.
succendo : to kindle, set afire from below.
successio : succeeding, succession, descent, descendant.
succurro : to run up under/aid, assist, help.
sufficio : to be sufficient, suffice, be enough.
suffoco : to strangle, choke, suffocate.
suffragium : vote, franchise/approval support, aid, assistance.
suggero : to bring up, supply, provide, add, attach. place next.
sui : himself, herself, itself.
suis : see sui
sulum : each, every.
sum fui futurus : to be, exist.
summa : the highest part/whole, sum.
summisse : humbly, softly, calmly, modestly.
summissus (from summitto) : let down, lowered, gentle, mild.
summopere : very much, exceedingly.
sumo : to take, choose, obtain, buy./take for granted, assume.
sumptus : expense, cost.
sunt : they are (part of to be).
supellex supellectilis : furniture, apparatus, gear.
super : (prep.) (+ abl.) over, above/concerning, about, besides.
super : (adv.) over, above, besides, beyond, moreover, remaining.
superbia : pride, arrogance.
superbus : overbearing, arrogant, haughty, proud.
superficies : surface, top.
superfluo : flow over, overflow, be superfluous.
superna : northeast by north wind.
superne : from above, above.
supernus : above, superior.
supero : to be above, have the upper hand, surpass, conquer, overcome.
supersum : to be superfluous, to remain.
superus superior supremus or summus : above, upper, high.
supervacuus : superfluous, unnecessary, extra : supervenio : to arrive, come up, arrive unexpectedly.
suppellex suppellectilus : ornaments.
suppellex suppellectilus : household articles, furniture, goods.
supplanto : to trip up.
supplex : kneeling, entreating, suppliant.
supplicium : punishment.
suppono subpono : to put under, subject/put next to, add.
suppono subpono : to put in place of, substitute, forge.
supra : (+ acc.) above.
surculus : shoot, sprout.
surgo surrexi surrectum : to get up arise.
sursum : upwards, sursum deorsum : up and down.
suscipio : to raise up, maintain, support, accept, receive, undertake.
suscito : to stir up, arouse, excite.
suspendo suspendi suspensum : to suspend, hang.
sustineo : to hold up, sustain, endure.
suus sua suum : (refl. poss. adj.) his, her, its, their own.
synagoga : synagogue.
tabella : writing tablet.
tabellae : letter, document.
tabernus : booth, hut, cottage, hove, small shop, inn, tavern.
tabesco : to melt, waste away, pine, be spoiled.
tabgo tetigi tactum : to touch.
tabula : board, plank, gaming board, painted panel.
taceo tacuitacitum : to be silent, leave unmentioned.
tacet : he/she/it is silent
tactus : sense of feeling, touch.
taedium, tedium : disgust, weariness, boredom.
talio, -onis : retribution.
talis : of such a kind, such.
talus : the ankle, ankle bone,.
tam ... quam : as ... as possible.
tam : to such a degree, so, so far.
tamdiu : for such a long time.
tamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless, yet, still, for all that.
tametsi : even if, although.
tamisium : sieve, sifter (Herimann, p. 308).
tamquam tanquam : as, just as, like as, just as if.
tandem : adv. at last, finally.
tantillus : so little, so small.
tantum : only.
tantummodo : only just, just so long as.
tantus : so large, so great, of such a size.
tardus : slow, late, tardy.
Taruennam : The Rouanne.
te : (abl.) you; e.g. no one's sweeter than YOU.
te : (acc.) you; e.g. I got YOU, babe.
tego texi tectum : to cover, bury, conceal, hide, protect, shield.
temeritas : rashness, temerity.
temperantia : moderation, self-control, temperance.
tempero : to mix properly, temper, regulate, mitigate.
tempero : be moderate, control oneself.
tempero : (+abl. or with ab) to keep from, refrain from.
tempero : (+ dat.) to control, use with moderation, spare,
tempestas : storm, weather.
Templovium : Templeuve, villa near Cisoing.
templum : sacred precinct, temple, sometimes church.
temptat : he/she/it tries (with another verb in infinitive), attacks (without infinitive)
temptatio : trial, temptation.
tempus temporis : time.
tenax : grasping, stingy, clinging, frugal, obstinate.
tendo : to direct, try, attempt, stretch, extend, present, give.
tendo : to direct one's course, tend, make or head for.
ten-e-o, ten-e-re : (2v) to keep on, persist, persevere, endure.
teneo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain.
teneo : to grasp, know, understand.
tener tenera tenerum : tender, delicate, soft, young.
tenet : he/she/it holds, knows, understands.
tenuis : thin, slight, feeble, slim, slender.
tenus : prep. With abl. as far as, up to, to, down to.
tenus : (after a name in abl. or gen.) up to, down to as far as.
tepesco : to cool, grow lukewarm, decrease.
tepidus : warm, luke-warm, tepid
ter : three times, thrice.
terebro : to bore through, perforate.
teres : rounded, polished, smooth, fine, elegant.
terga dare : to flee, retreat, run away.
tergeo tergo tersi tersum : to wipe, scour, clean
tergiversatio : backwardness, reluctance, evasion.
tergo (a tergo ) : in the rear, from behind
tergum : skin, hide
tergum : back, rear.
tergus : the back/skin, hide, leather.
termes : a tree branch (especially olive).
terminatio : termination, determination, setting of boundaries.
termino : restrict, define, close, set a limit to.
terminus : a boundary mark, limit, end, border.
tero trivi tritum : to rub, wear out.
terra : earth, ground, land, country, soil.
terreo : to frighten, terrify, scare away, deter.
territo : to scare, frighten, intimidate.
terror : fright, fear, terror.
tersus : clean, neat, correct.
tertius : third.
testimonium : proof, evidence, witness, indication.
testis : one who gives evidence, witness, spectator/testicle.
texo : to weave, twine together, plait, construct, build.
texo : the main verb for weaving of cloth.
textilis : woven fabric, piece of cloth.
textor textrix : weaver.
textus : woven cloth, web.
thalassinus : sea-green.
theatrum : theater.
theca : case, envelope, covering.
thema thematis : theme.
thema : subject, topic, theme.
theologus : theologian.
thermae : warm springs, warm baths.
thesaurus : treasure, horde/store-room, treasury.
thesis : proposition, thesis.
thorax : breastplate
thymbra : the herb savory.
thymum : the herb thyme.
tibi: (dat.) you/I can't give YOU anything but love, baby.
timeo : to fear, be afraid, dread.
timidus : fearful, timid.
timor : fear, dread, object causing fear.
titulus : label, title, placard.
tolero : to tolerate, bear, endure, sustain.
tollo sustuli sublatum : to lift up, raise, elevate, carry away.
tondeo totondi tonsum : shave, shear, clip, mow, reap, browse.
tonsor : barbar.
Tornacense : Tournai.
torqueo : to twist, curl, rack, torture, torment, distort, test.
torrens : rushing, seething, burning, parched/a torrent.
tot : (indecl.) so many.
totidem : just as many.
toties, toties : so often, so many times.
toties, totiens : so many times, so often.
toties : often, so many times.
totus : whole, entire, complete, all.
tracto : to drag, handle/treat, discuss, deal with.
trado tradidi traditum : surrender/hand over/transmit, teach.
traho traxi tractum : to drag, pull/derive, get.
Traiectensium : Utrecht.
Traiectum : Maastricht.
trans : (+ acc.) across.
transeo : to go over, pass over, cross over, go past.
transfero transtuli translatum : carry across, transfer, convey.
transmitto : to send, carry, or convey across.
tredecim : (indecl.) thirteen
Trellum : Tre Blon, castle in Hannonia.
tremo : to tremble, shake, shudder.
trepide : with trepidation, in confusion,
tres tria : three.
Treverim : Triers.
tribuo : to give out, divide, allot, assign, grant, give, allow.
tricesimus : thirtieth.
triduana : lasting three days.
triduanus : three days' duration, lasting three days.
triduum : a period of three days.
triginta : (inedl.) thirty.
tripudio : to leap, jump, dance (as in a religious procession).
tristis : sad, gloomy, downcast.
Trium Fontium : Trois-Fontaines, Marne, Vitry-le-Francais.
triumphus : triumphal procession, triumph.
trucido : to kill cruelly, slay, butcher, massacre, slaughter.
truculenter : (adv.) wildly, savagely, fiercely, cruelly, roughly
tu : you /Old Heidelberg, you are the finest.
tuba : tuba, trumpet
tubineus : cone shaped
tui : your yours/I read YOUR letter that said, dear John.
tum : at that time, then/thereupon, in the next place.
tumultus : uprising, disturbance, riot, tumult.
tumulus : mound, grave, heap of earth.
tunc : then, at that time.
Tungris : Tongres.
turba : uproar, disturbance/mob, crowd, multitude.
turbatio : disturbance, confusion.
turbatus : angered, exasperated/disturbed, restless, troubled.
turbo, onis : hurricane. tornado, that which spins
turbo : to disturb, upset, throw into disorder, confuse, unsettle.
turpe : a disgrace.
turpis : foul, ugly, disgraceful, morally corrupt.
tutamen tutaminis : defense, protection
tutis : protected, safe, secure.
tyrannus : tyrant, absolute ruler.
uberrime : most luxuriantly, most abundantly, most fruitfully.
ubi : when, as soon as/wherein, whereby, whereas, where.
ulciscor : to take vengeance for, avenge/take vengeance on.
ullus : any.
ulterius : farther, more advanced, more remote.
ultio ultionis : avenging, punishment, revenge.
ultra : (+ acc.) : farther (than), more (than).
ultra : (+ acc.) beyond, on the far side of.
umbra : shade, shadow.
umerus humerus : shoulder, upper arm.
umquam : ever, at any time.
una : (adv.) in one, together.
unde : whence, from where/how, from whom.
undique : from all sides, everywhere, on all sides, altogether.
universe : generally, in general.
universi : all together.
universitas : the whole, total, universe, world/university.
universum : universe, the world.
universus : combined in one, whole, entire.
unus : one, only one, at the same time/single, alone.
urbanus : urban, urbane, pertaining to the city.
urbs urbis : city.
uredo : a plant blight.
us : foreign, acquired.
usitas : customary, usual.
usque : all the way, up (to), even (to).
ustilo : to burn (Herimannn, p. 308).
ustulo : to burn, scorch, singe.
usus : use, experience, skill, advantage.
ut : (+ subj.) (result) so that, that.
ut : (+ subj.) (purpose) in order that, to, that.
ut : (+ indic.) when, as.
ut : (+ subj.) (command) to, that.
uter utrius : either of the two
utere : ????
uterque : (gen. utriusque) both, each side, each party.
Uticensium : Evroul.
utilis : useful, advantageous, helpful.
utilitas : utility, usefulness.
utique : at any rate, certainly, at least.
utor uti usus : to use, employ, possess, enjoy/associate with, find.
utpote : seeing that, inasmuch as.
utpote : adv. namely, seeing that, inasmuch as, since.
utrimque : from both sides, on both sides.
utroque : to both sides, in both directions/at each point.
utrum : whether.
utrum ... an : whether ... or.
uxor : wife, spouse.
vaco : to be free from work, of a master, of property.
vacuus : empty, devoid of, free from.
vado : go, hasten, rush.
vae : (interj.), woe, alas, woe to.
valde : intensely, very much, extremely, greatly, very
valens : strong, powerful, healthy/able, worthwhile.
valeo valui valiturus : to be strong, have power, be well.
valetudo : health. good health, bad health.
validus : strong, mighty, powerful, exceeding.
vallum : palisade, earthen wall, entrenchment, rampart.
vapulus : flogged, beaten, knocked about.
varietas : variety, differences, diversity.
varius : various, varied.
vehemens : violent, furious, impetuous.
vehementer : violently, forcefully, strongly, exceedingly.
vel : or, (adv.) even, actually, for example.
velociter: quickly, rapidly, swiftly.
velox : quick, rapid, swift, fast.
velum : sail, covering, awning, curtain.
velut : adv. just as, like, even as.
Vendolius : Vendeuil.
venia : grace, indulgence, favor, pardon, forgiveness.
venio veni ventum : to come.
ventito : to come often, to visit frequently.
ventosus : full of wind, windy, breezy.
ventus : wind, rumor, favor.
ventus : wind.
venustas : loveliness, charm, attractiveness, beauty.
ver, veris : spring, the production of spring.
verbera : (in pl.) blows, a beating, thrashing.
verbum : word.
vere : truly, really, actually, rightly.
verecundia : feeling of shame, shame, bashfulness.
vereor : to respect, fear, be in dread of, to be afraid.
vergo : to bend, incline, verge, to draw to an end.
veritas : truth.
Vernandense : Vermandois.
vero : in truth, indeed, to be sure/however.
versus : line, verse.
verto : to turn, turn around, turn up/to put to flight, rout.
verto : to flee/interpret, understand/upset, overthrow.
verumtamen verumptamen : notwithstanding, nevertheless.
verus : true, real, proper, right.
vesco, vescor : to feed, to eat.
vesica : bladder, bladder-like tumor.
vesper : evening star, evening.
vespera : evening prayer, vespers.
vespillo : undertaker.
vester vestra vestrum : (pl.) your, yours.
vestigium : footstep, trace, mark.
vestio vestivi vestitum : to clothe.
vestis : clothing, garment, covering, blanket, carpet, tapestry.
vestrum vestri : your yours/you make sing about YOUR pretty gals.
vetus : old.
via : road, way, street.
vicinus : neighbor/(med.) resident.
vicissitudo: change, alteration.
victor : victor, winner.
victoria : victory.
victus : living, manner of life/nourishment, food.
videlicet : it is clear/(adv.) clearly, plainly, namely.
videlicet : (adv.) (ironically) of course, to be sure.
video vidi visum : to see, observe, understand, comprehend.
videor : to be seen, seem, appear.
viduata : deprived, widowed, bereft.
viduo : to deprive
vigilo : to be awake, watch, be vigilant/to keep vigil.
vigor : vigor, liveliness.
vilicus, villicus : pertaining to an estate, overseer, steward.
vilis : cheap, worth little.
vilitas : cheapness, low-price, worthlessness.
villa : country house, country estate/(med.) manor, village.
vinco vici victum : conquer, overcome, master, win, surpass, excel.
vinculum : bond, fetter, tie.
vindico (vindicatum) : claim, arrogate, assume, appropriate.
vindico : to liberate, deliver/punish, avenge/claim, assume.
vindico : to avenge, punish, liberate, deliver, protect.
vinitor : vine-dresser (a man who prunes grape vines).
vinum : wine.
vir : man, hero, man of courage.
virga : a green twig, rod, stick, wand, broom, streak, stripe.
virgo : maiden, virgin, young girl.
viridis : green.
viriliter : manfully.
virtus : manliness, excellence, character, worth, courage.
virtute : see virtus
vis : (sing.) violence/a large number, quantity, a force/nature
vis vires : (pl.) force, power, strength, might, influence.
viscus : flesh, internal organs, bowels, entrails, heart.
vita : life, way of life.
vitiosus : vicious, full of vice, corrupt.
vitium : fault, vice, crime.
vito : to avoid, shun.
vivo vixi victum : to live, be alive.
vix : scarcely, hardly, with difficulty, barely.
vobis : (abl.) you/who knows more than YOU? I do!
vobis : (dat.) you/I'm talkin' to YOU, yeah, talkin' 'bout Cindy.
vocat : he/she/it shouts, calls
vociferor : to cry aloud, shout.
voco in dubium: to call into question.
voco : to call, summon, name invite.
volaticus : winged, flying/inconstant, unreliable/flighty.
volatilis: winged, flying/swift, rapid/fleeting, transitory.
volens : willing, favorable.
volo (sibi velle) : to mean, signify, denote.
volo : to fly, speed, move rapidly.
volo : to wish, want, will, ordain, suppose, maintain that, be willing.
volubilis : (of speech) rapid, fluent, voluble.
volubilis : rolling, revolving, turning around/changeable, inconstant.
volubiliter : fluently.
voluntarius : voluntary.
voluntas : wish, will, inclination/good will.
voluntas : last will, testament/meaning, sense.
volup : agreeably, pleasantly.
voluptarius : pleasant, one devoted to pleasure.
voluptas : pleasure.
voluptuosus : delightful, pleasurable.
volutabrum : pigsty, slough.
volva vulva : womb (particularly that of a sow).
vomer : plowshare.
vomica : ulcer, sore, boil/plague, curse.
vomito : to vomit, vomit forth, throw up.
vorago : chasm, pit, abyss.
vorax : gluttonous, voracious.
voro : to eat greedily, swallow up, consume, gorge oneself.
vos : (acc.) you /I'll fight YOU all, then ... bring me giants!
vos : you (pl)/YOU can't catch me, i'm the gingerbread man.
votum : prayer, wish, desire/promise to God.
voveo vovi votum : to promise to God, vow, pray for.
vox vocis : voice, word/(med.) power, right, authority.
vulariter : in the common way, ordinary manner.
vulgaris : common, ordinary, usual.
vulgivagus : wandering, vagrant, itinerant.
vulgo : to spread, publish, impart, make accessible.
vulgus : the common people, mob, rabble.
vulnerat : he/she/it wounds, hurts
vulnero : to wound, injure, hurt, harm.
vulnus : wound.
vulpes volpes : fox.
vulticulus : look, aspect, appearance.
vultuosus : grimacing, affected.
vultur voltur vulturius volturius : vulture.
vultus : the face.
vultus : expression of the face, countenance, look, aspect.
Werumensium : Wittewierum.
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