Sunday, 14 March 2010

Latin Dictionary C

/ LatinDictionary


cado : to fall, drop, plummet, topple.

caecus : blind, sightless.

caelestis : heavenly, celestial/noun, a god, dweller in heaven.

caelum : sky, heaven.

calamitas : calamity, misfortune, disaster.

calamus : anything made or reed -- pen, arrow, pipe, etc.

calcar, -is : spur.

calco : to tread, trample upon.

calculus : pebble, stone.

callide : skillfully, cleverly/cunningly, slyly, subtly.

callidus : clever, dextrous, experienced, skilful/cunning, sly.

Cameracum : Cambrai.

campana : bell.

candidus : bright, shining, white.

canis : dog.

canonicus : canonical, according to the canons, legal, lawful, right.

canonus : canon, member of a cathedral chapter or canonry, Augustinian.

canto : to sing.

capillus : hair.

capio : to seize, take, choose/attack, injure/comprehend.

capitulus : chapter, chapter meeting, chapter house.

capto : to grab, try to get, grab at.

caput capitis : head/top, summit/chief

carbo carbonis : carbon, coal, charcoal.

carcer : prison, cell, jail, dungeon.

careo : (+ abl. of sep.) be without, be deprived of, lack, want.

caries : rottenness, corruption, decay.

cariosus : rotten, decayed.

caritas : dearness, affection/charity.

carmen : song, poem.

Carnotense : Chartres.

Carnutum Carnotum : Chartres.

carpo : to pluck, seize, grab, lay hold of, hold on to.

carus : dear, beloved/costly, high-priced, expensive.

casso : to bring to naught, destroy, annul, make void.

caste : purely, spotlessly, purely, uprightly, chastely.

Castellandum : Chateaudun.

casus : accident, chance, fortune.

catena : chain, fetters.

caterva : crowd, troop, flock.

catervatim : in troops, in masses.

Cathalaunenses : Chalons.

cattus : cat.

cauda : the tail of an animal.

causa : (in the abl.) on account of, for the sake of.

causa : cause/reason, motive, pretext/interest.

causa : case at law, case, law-suit/situation, condition.

caute cautim : cautiously, with security.

cautela : caution, precaution, security.

caveo cavi cautum : beware, avoid, look out for.

cavus : hole, pit.

cedo : to go, proceed/turn out, happen/go away, withdraw.

cedo cessi cessum : to grant, yield.

cedo : (+ dat.) give ground to, submit to, be inferior to.

celebrer : famous, renowned.

celebrus : abounding in, rich in, much frequented, respected.

celer : quick, swift, rapid, speedy, fast.

celeritas : speed, swiftness, rapidity, quickness.

celeriter : rapidly, quickly, swiftly, speedily.

celo : to hide, conceal, keep secret.

cena : dinner, meal.

cenaculum : garret, attic.

ceno : to dine.

censura : judgement.

centum : (indecl.) one hundred, 100.

cerno : to separate, sift, distinguish/decide, resolve, determine.

cernuus : falling headlong.

certe certo : (adv) certainly, assuredly.

certo : to contend, settle, dispute, to settle by combat.

certus : undoubted, certain, sure.

certus : settled, resolved, decided/definite, certain, sure.

cervus : stag, deer

cessat : (she) has people wait for her (from SprachProfiVocab)

cetera : for the rest, otherwise

ceteri : the remaining, the rest, the others

ceterum : (adv.) otherwise, moreover, but.

ceterus : the other, the rest.

charisma carisma : gift, present.

chirographum : autograph, person's own handwriting/written charter.

cibo : food for animals

cibus : food for men and animals.

cicuta : hemlock.

cilicium : (? Herimann, p. 311)

cimentarius : mason?

ciminatio : accusation, calumny, charge.

ciminosus : reproachful, slanderous.

cinis cineris : ashes, embers.

circumvenio : to come around, surround, cheat, defraud.

circumvenio : to beset, assail.

cito: quickly, rapidly, speedily.

civilis : civil, civic.

civis : citizen, townsman, bourgeois, burgess.

civitas : state, citizenship, city-state.

clam : secretly, in secret.

clamat : he/she/it screams, shouts

clamo : to call, shout, cry aloud, proclaim, declare.

clamor : loud shouting, cry.

claro : to make bright or clear, make clear in the mind.

clarus : clear, bright/renowned, famous, illustrious

claudeo : to limp, halt, be lame, to hobble.

claudo (clausus) : to confine, shut up, close, blockade, besiege.

claudus : lame.

claustrum : bolt, bar, prison, den, pen, enclosure/cloister.

clementia : indulgence, forbearance, humanity, mercy, gentleness, etc.

clibanus : oven, furnace/tray for bread making.

coadunatio : a gathering together, a summing up, a uniting.

coaegresco : to become sick at the same time.

coepi : (pres. incipio ) : began, started, undertook, initiated.

coerceo : surround, enclose, restrain, confine.

cogito : to think, ruminate, ponder, consider, plan.

cognatus : (adj.) related by blood (noun) a relative, kinsman.

cognomen : surname, family name, nick-name.

cognosco : to examine, inquire, learn.

cogo, coegi, coactum : to compel, restrict, confine.

cogo, coegi, coactum : to bring together, drive, draw.

cohaero cohero cohesi cohesum : to adhere, stick together

cohibeo : confine, restrain, hold back, repress.

cohors : a yard, enclosure/troop, 1/10 of a legion.

cohortor : to encourage, incite, exhort.

colligo : to gather together, collect, assemble.

colloco : to place, put, arrange.

collum : neck.

colo colui cultum : cultivate, cherish

color : color.

coloratus : colored/dark-complexioned.

coloro : to color.

coma : hair of the head, leaves, rays of light.

combibo : to drink up, suck in.

comburo : to burn up, to ruin, consume.

comedo comedi comesum : to eat up, consume/waste, squander.

comes comitis : companion, friend, comrade/count.

cometes : comet

cometissa comitissa : countess.

comis : courteous, kind, friendly.

comitatus : train, retinue, following/war band.

comiter : courteously, in a kindly, friendly manner.

comitto : to entrust, commit.

commeant : see commeo

commemoro : to remind, relate, mention.

commeo : To go up and down, back and forth, in and out.

commessatio, onis : eating together.

comminor : to threaten.

comminuo : to scatter, weaken, damage.

comminus : hand to hand, in close combat.

commisceo : to intermingle, join, mix.

commissum : undertaking, that which is entrusted.

commodo : (+ acc.) to furnish, lend, give.

commodo : to make fit, adapt, please, oblige, serve.

commodum : suitable time, opportunity, convenience, use.

commodum : convenience, advantage, opportunity, comfort.

commoneo : to remind someone forcibly of something.

commoneo : to remember, recollect.

commoneo : to impress upon one. to remind.

commoveo : to move violently, disturb, shake/excite, upset.

communis : common, general, run of the mill.

comparo : to compare.

compater : the godfather of a man's child.

compatior : to suffer with one, feel pity, have compassion.

compello : to drive together, collect, force, compel.

comperio : to disclose wholly, lay open/learn, find out.

comperio : to disclose fully, find out with certainty.

comperte : on good authority.

compes, compedis : fetters, shackles, chained.

compes : fetters, shackles, chains.

competo : to be appropriate, suitable, fit.

complectus : embrace, grasp.

compleo : to finish.

compleo : to fill up, man, bring up to strength, fulfill.

compono : to put together, compose.

compositio : composition, agreement, pact/arrangement.

compositus : orderly, matching, made up of pieces.

comprehendo : to seize, arrest, take prisoner, catch red-handed.

comprehendo : to grasp, take together, unite/comprehend.

comprehendo : to embrace, take firmly, include, seize.

comprobo : to approve fully/to confirm, prove, establish.

comprovincialis : born in the same province.

comptus : a head-dress, a hairband.

conatus : exertion, effort/undertaking/impulse, inclination.

concedo : to concede, yield, allow, grant, withdraw, give up.

concepta : measures, capacity.

concero : connect join, twine, join in conflict.

concido : to fall down, sink, perish/(wind) subside.

concido : to be ruined, fail/cut up, cut down, destroy.

concilium : council

concipio : to take or lay hold of, receive, take in.

concisus : cut up, broken, brief, concise.

concito : to move violently, stir up, excite.

conculco : to tread under foot, despise, oppress, suppress.

concupiscentia : avarice, covetousness.

concupisco : to covet, aim at, desire eagerly.

concutio : to shake, disturb, agitate.

concutio : to shake together, agitate, alarm, disturb, shatter.

Condato : Cond.

condico : to agree, fix, settle, make arrangements.

conduco : hire, employ for wages, among many other meanings.

confero : to bring together, put together, collect /

confero : discuss, debate, confer/betake oneself, devote.

confestim : immediately, without delay.

confido : have confidence in, be confident of, rely upon.

confiteor confessus : to confess, own up, admit, acknowledge.

conforto : to strengthen much.

confugo : to flee, have recourse to, take refuge.

congregatio : assembly, society, union.

congrego : to gather together, assemble, convene.

congruus : agreeing, fit, suitable.

conicio : to hurl, throw/put together, conjecture.

coniecto : to throw together, infer, guess, conclude.

conitor : to press upon, to struggle to reach

coniuratio : conspiracy, plot.

coniuratus : conspirator, plotter.

coniuro : to take an oath together, plot, conspire.

conor : to undertake, try, venture, presume, attempt.

conqueror : to complain loudly.

conscendo : to ascend, mount, go up.

conscientia : conscience, consciousness, knowledge

conscindo : to tear in pieces.

conscius : conscious of, aware of.

conservo : to preserve, conserve, maintain, keep, hold to.

considero : to look at, regard carefully,

consido : to set down, settle.

consilio : intentionally, on purpose, designedly.

consilium : deliberation, consultation, assembly, council.

consilium : advice, suggestion, wisdom, plan, purpose, judgment.

consisto : (+ in) to depend on, rely on.

consisto : to take one's stand, stand still, stop, be posted.

consisto : (+ abl. etc.) to be formed of, consist/stop, stay.

consitor : sower, planter.

conspergo : to sprinkle, bestrew.

conspicio : to catch sight of, perceive, behold, understand.

constans : steady, firm, unchanging, constant, unwavering.

constanter : steadily, firmly.

constituo, constituere : to set up, place, establish, post, station.

constituo, constituere : to arrange, decide, appoint, settle, found, set up.

consto : to be established, stand firm, stop, endure.

constringo constrixi constrictum : to bind, confine, restrain.

construo construxi constructum : to construct, build, arrange.

constupator : ravisher, debaucher.

constupro : to ravish, corrupt.

consuasor : advisor, counselor.

consuefacio : to accustom, acclimate, become used to.

consuesco : to accustom, inure, habituate

consueta : customary, usual.

consuetudo : custom, usage, habit/intimacy, familiar acquaintance.

consulatio : deliberation, inquiry, full consideration.

consulo : to reflect, consider, ponder, reflect.

consulo : (+ dat.) look to the interests of/consult, ask advice.

consulo : to look to the interests of, come to a conclusion.

consulto : to ask the advice of, consult.

consulto : to consider carefully, weigh, ponder.

consultum : decree.

consummatio : completion, summing up, adding up.

consummo : to add together, sum up, make perfect, complete.

consumo : to spend, employ, use up, finish, waste away, destroy.

consuo consui consutum : to sew together, stitch.

consurgo : to stand up, rise up/to arise, break out.

contabesco : to waste slowly away, decline in health.

contactus : touching, contact/contagion.

contages : a touch, contact.

contagio contagium : contagion, infection/touching, contact.

contamino : to pollute, infect.

contego : to cover, shield, protect, defend.

contemno : to think meanly of, despise, condemn, hate.

contemplatio : survey, contemplation.

contemplor : to mark out, regard, consider carefully, survey.

contemptim : contemptuously.

contemptio : scorn, disdain, contempt.

contemptus : despised, despicable, contemptible.

contendo : to compare, contrast/compete.

contendo : to contend, strive, struggle, hasten.

contendo : to assert, maintain/shoot (a missile), cast.

contendunt : contender???, attacker????, see contendo

contente : eagerly, earnestly.

contentus : contented, satisfied

contentus : strained, stretched/eager, zealous.

contigo : (with dat.), to happen, befall.

continenter :

contineo : to touch, reach, grasp, affect, infect.

contineo contigi, contectum : border on/befall (good luck).

contineo : to keep in, surround, contain, confine, include.

contineo : hold together, keep together, connect, join.

contineo : to hold back, restrain.

contingo : (contactum) to touch closely, happen to, befall.

continuo : (adv.) immediately, at once.

continuus : connected together, continuous, uninterrupted.

contra : (+ acc.) against.

contradictio : a speaking against, contradiction.

contrado : to deliver together, or wholly.

contraho : to draw together, collect, assemble, carry out.

contristo : to make sad or gloomy

contristo : to sadden, afflict, damage (of crops).

conturbo : to confuse, scatter, throw into confusion, distress.

conventus : coming together, assembly, union, congress.

conversatio : way, manner of life/monastic life.

converto : to turn around, cause to turn/to adopt the monastic life.

convoco : to call together, convene.

copia : abundance, supply.

copiae copie : supplies, troops, forces.

copiose : fully, at length, copiously.

Corbeiam : Corbie.

cornu : horn.

corona : crown, diadem.

corpus corporis : body, corpse.

correptius : more shortly.

corrigo : (correctum) : to make correct, make right.

corripio : to seize, snatch up, steal, (of a disease) attack

corroboro : to strengthen.

corrumpo : to break up, destroy, annihilate/spoil, weaken.

corrumpo : (documents) to falsify/(character) to corrupt.

corruo : to fall to the ground, sink down/be ruined, destroyed.

Corturiacum : Courtrai.

coruscus : (a) flashing, twinkling, shaking, trembling.

cotidianis : see cotidie

cotidie : daily, every day.

Courtacum : Courtrai.

crapula : wine-drinking, intoxication, drunkenness.

cras : (adv.) tomorrow, on the morrow.

crastinus : of the morrow, the morrow.

creator : creator, founder.

creatura : creature, servant.

creber : thick, frequent, numerous.

crebro : repeatedly, often, one after the other, time after time.

credo : to believe/trust, commit/trust in, rely on/think.

creo : to create, make.

crepat : he/she/it clanks, creaks, clashes

creptio : taking by force, seizure.

crepusculum : dusk, twilight.

cresco : (cretum) : to grow, increase, expand.

creta : chalk, fuller's earth.

cribro : to sift.

cribrum : sieve.

crinis : hair.

crinitus : long haired.

cruciamentum : torture, torment.

crucio : to torture, torment.

crudelis : cruel.

cruentus : to make bloody, stain with blood.

cruentus : bloody, bloodthirsty, blood-red.

crur, cruris : leg, shank, shin, also foot.

crustulum : pastry, cookie.

crux crucis : cross.

cubicularis : pertaining to a bedroom

cubicularius : bed-chamber servant, chamberlain.

cubiculum : bedroom, sleeping chamber.

cubitum ire : to go to bed, retire

cubitum : the elbow/a cubit.

cubo : to lie down, recline.

cui : (masc. sing. dat.) TO WHOM did you give it?

cui : (fem. sing. dat.) IN WHICH (province) did you live?

cui : (neut. sing. dat.) (the monster), TO WHOM the cattle belonged.

cuius : (neut. sing. gen) (the building) the size OF WHICH was great.

cuius : (masc. sing. gen.) (the saint) WHOSE virtues were many.

cuius : (fem. sing. gen.) (the queen), the vices OF WHOM were many.

cuiusmodi : of what kind.

culpa : fault, blame, (esp. against chastity).

culpo : to blame, censure, accuse.

cultellus : a little knife.

cultu : see colo

cultura : cultivation

cum : (prep + abl.) with.

cum : (with indicative) when.

cum : (with subjunctive) when, as, while, since, although.

cunabula : cradle.

cunae : nest for young birds.

cunctatio : delay.

cunctator : delayer, procrastinator,

cunctor : to delay, impede, hold up.

cunctus : all, all collectively, the whole.

cupiditas : ambition, avarice, party spirit, eager desire.

cupido : passion, desire, wanting, yearning, longing.

cupio : to desire, wish, long for, desire.

cuppedia : delicacies, candies, sweetmeats.

cupressus : cypress, cypress wood, a cypress-wood casket.

cur : why, wherefore.

cura : management, administration, care, concern, charge.

curatio : attention/medical attention, healing, curing.

curator : guardian, overseer

curia : court

curiositas : curiosity, inquisitiveness, nosiness.

curiosus : careful, attentive/curious, inquisitive/worn out by cares.

curis quris : a spear.

curo : to care for, trouble about, pay attention to.

curo : manage, administer/provide money.

curo : (+gerundive) to see to a thing being done/cure, rest.

curriculum : a running, race, lap around the track, course.

currus : cart/a plow with wheels.

cursim : hastily, quickly, rapidly.

cursito : to run up and down.

curso : to run back and forth.

cursor : runner, carrier, messenger.

cursus : a race, a running, race course, race track, course.

curto : to shorten, abbreviate.

Curtracus : Courtrai.

curtus : shortened/mutilated, defective/gelded.

curvo : to bend, arch, curve/influence.

curvus : arched, bent, bowed, curved, crooked, wrong (morally crooked).

custodia : protection, custody.

custodiae custodie : guards, wardens.

custos : (custodis) : guardian, keeper, watchman, attendant, guard/spy.

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