labefacio labefeci labefactum : to shake, loosen/impair.
labefacto : to weaken, disturb/shake violently.
labellum : a little lip/a small washing vessel.
labes labis : stain, blemish, disgrace, infamy/misfortune.
labia labium :lip (labiae : lips).
labiosus : having large lips.
labo : to totter, sink, begin to fall.
labor : hardship, fatigue, distress.
labor laboris : labor, work, toil
labor lapsus : to slip, glide, slide.
labores solis : eclipse of the sun.
laboriose : laboriously, with great effort
laboriosus : toilsome, laborious/(persons) industrious, toiling.
laboro : (intrans.) to work, toil, suffer, be afflicted, be troubled.
laboro : (trans.) work out, prepare, arrange, form, elaborate.
labrum : lip, edge, rim/bathing tub.
labrusca : wild grape vine.
labruscum : the wild grape.
lac lactis : milk.
lacer : torn, mangled, cut to pieces.
laceratio : a tearing, mangling.
lacero : to tear to pieces, mangle/squander money/slander someone.
lacerta : lizard.
lacertosus : muscular, powerful.
lacertus : the upper arm/strength.
lacesso : to harass, attack.
lacrima Heliandum : amber.
lacrima : tears, exudations from some plants.
lacrimabilis : lamentable, deplorable, woeful.
lacrimo : to weep, shed tears/exude, drip.
lacrimosus : tearful, mournful, shedding tears,
lactans : giving milk.
lactatio : enticement, come-on.
lacteus : milky, of milk, milk-white.
lacteus : of milk, milky, milk-white.
lacto : to allure, entice, wheedle.
lactuca : lettuce.
lacuna : missing letters, words, or phrases in a manuscript.
lacuna : a hole, empty space/pond, pool/deficiency, loss.
lacunar : panelled ceiling.
lacus : a hollow/lake, pool, pond, trough, tank, tub.
laedo ledo : strike, hit, hurt, damage, offend, annoy, violate.
laesio lesio : rhetorical attack/wounding.
laetabilis letabilis : joyous, glad.
laetans : rejoicing, joyous.
laetatio letatio : rejoicing, joy.
laetifico letifico : to fertilize/cheer, gladden, delight.
laetificus letificus : gladdening, joyous, spreading happiness.
laetitia letitia : fertility/richness, grace/joy, delight.
laeto leto : to cheer, gladden, make joyful.
laetor letor : to rejoice, be joyful.
laeve leve : left-handedly, awkwardly.
laevus levus : foolish, silly/unlucky, unpropitious.
laevus levus : the left hand, left side, left-handed.
laganum : a cake.
lama : bog, slough.
lambo : to lick/(of rivers) to wash.
lamenta (neut. pl) : weeping, wailing.
lamentabilis : lamentable, mournful.
lamentatio : weeping, wailing, lamenting.
lamentor : to weep, wail, lament/(trans.) to bewail.
lamia : witch, vampire.
lamnia lammina lamna : sheet of metal, coin, knife blade, nutshell.
lapsus : fall, fault, error, sliding, graduate movement.
laqueum : noose, halter, snare, trap.
laqueus : snare, trap, noose.
largior : lavish, bestow, grant, give abundantly.
lascivio : to run riot, play, be wanton.
lasesco : to become tired, grow weary.
latus -eris : sides, flank/lungs /
laudator : praiser.
laudo : to praise, extoll, commend/name, mention, cite, quote.
Laudunum : Laon.
laus : praise, glory, fame.
lebes : copper kettle, basin, cauldron.
lectica : litter, bier.
lector : reader.
lectus : bed.
legatarius : legatee.
legatus : deputy, ambassador, envoy,
legens legentis : a reader.
legio : legion
lego : to gather, choose, collect, pass through, read,
lemiscus : a ribbon.
lemma : theme, title, epigram.
lemures : (pl. only) ghosts, phantoms.
lenimentus : alleviation, improvement, mitigation.
lenio : to mitigate, relieve, make better.
lenis : smooth/gentle, kind, mild.
lenitas lenitudo : smoothness, gentleness, mildness.
leno : procurer, go-between.
lenocinium : enticement, allurement.
lenocinor : to pander, flatter, make up to/to promote, advance.
lens lentis : lentil.
lente : slowly, calmly, cooly, deliberately.
lentesco : to become soft, flexible, sticky/to weaken, slacken.
lentitudo : slowness, apathy, sluggishness.
lento : to bend.
lentulus : rather slow, a little slow.
lentus : lethargic, inactive/slow, lingering.
lentus : tough, resistant, tenacious/supple, pliant /
Leo : lion.
Leodie : Liege.
lepide : charmingly, wittily, elegantly, pleasantly.
lepidus : charming, witty, pleasant, elegant.
lepor lepos : charm, wit, elegance.
lepus : hare, rabbit.
Lesciense, monastery of : Liessies.
letalis : mortal, deadly, fatal.
letaliter : mortally, fatally.
letanie : litany
lethargus : drowsiness, apathy, sleepiness, coma.
letifer : deadly, mortal.
leto : to kill, slay.
letum : death, ruin, annihilation.
levamen : alleviation, mitigation, solace, refreshment.
levamentum : comfort, easing, alleviation, consolation.
levatio : alleviation, mitigation, solace.
leviculus : empty-headed, vain, silly.
levidensis : thin, slight, poor.
levis : rapid, swift/unimportant/fickle, inconstant/unstable.
levis : light, slight, trivial/beardless, bald/light-armed.
levitas : lightness, levity/fickleness, inconstancy/groundlessness.
leviter : lightly, softly, slightly.
levo : to smooth, polish.
levo : to raise, lift up/relieve, ease/diminish, weaken, impair.
lex legis : law, statute/covenant, agreement
libatio : libation.
libellus : little book.
libenter : willingly, with pleasure, gladly
liber : child, offspring.
liber libri : book.
liber libera, liberum : free, independent, unrestricted.
liberalis : courteous, generous, gentlemanly.
liberalitas : courtesy, kindness, generousity/a grant.
liberaliter : courteously, generously, honorably.
liberatio : release, liberation, acquittal, setting free.
libere : freely, openly, frankly.
libero : to liberate, set free.
libero : to lift (an obstacle), raise.
libero : to set free, deliver, liberate, release/exempt
libertas : freedom, liberty, independence/frankness, candor.
libido : whim, caprice, violent desire, passionate longing.
licet : granted that, although/it is allowed, one may or can.
licet : (as conj.) granted that, although.
ligo : to bind, tie.
lima : file, polishing, revision.
limen, limina : threshold.
lingua : language, tongue, speech.
lino : to smear, befoul, dirty.
linteum : linen, napkin.
liquidus : fluid, flowing, liquid/clear, evident, certain.
litigo : to quarrel, dispute.
littera : letter (of the alphabet).
litterae : (pl.) letter, epistle, missive, note/literature.
loci : (pl.) passages in literary works.
loco : to place, put, position.
locupleto : to enrich, make wealthy.
locus : place, location, situation, spot.
loginquitas : distance, remoteness, isolation.
longe lateque : far and wide.
longe : far.
longissime : for a long time ????
longus : long
loquax loquacis : talkative, loquacious, garrulous.
loquor locutus : to say, speak, tell.
loricatus : wearing armor, armored.
lubricus : oily, slippery, slick.
lucerna : lamp.
lucror : to gain, profit, win.
lucrosus : profitable, gainful.
lucrum : gain, profit.
luctisonus : sad-sounding, mournful, baleful.
luctus : lamentation, mourning, grief.
ludio ludius : actor, player
ludo lusi lusum : to play, sport/imitate, banter/delude, deceive.
ludus : game, sport, school.
lues : plague, pestilence, calamity.
lugeo : to mourn, be in mourning, grieve/(tans,) to lament, bewail.
luna : moon.
lupus : wolf.
Lutosensis : Leuze.
lux lucis : light.
luxuria : luxury, extravagance, opulence.
macellarius : butcher, slaughter-house.
macer : thin, lean.
macero : to soften, weaken, reduce, torment.
macies : thiness, gauntness/poverty barrenness
macresco : to become lean, skinny, thin.
mactabilis : deadly, lethal.
macto : to magnify, glorify, honor/slay, fight, punish, afflict.
macula : stain, mark, spot/blemish, fault, flaw.
maculo : to stain, blemish, defile, pollute.
maculosus : spotted, speckled, polluted.
madesco : to get wet.
madide : drunkenly.
madidus : wet, moist, soaked, boiled, soft, drunk, dyed, steeped.
mador : wetness, moisture.
maero : to grieve, sorrow.
maeror meror : mourning, grief, sorrow.
magis : more, to a greater extent, rather, for preference
magister : master, canon/master of a school, professor.
magnopere magnus opere : very, very much.
magnus maior maximus : large, great, important.
magus : magical.
maiestas : majesty, dignity, greatness.
maiores : (pl.) ancestors.
Malbodiensis : Maubeuge.
male peius pessime : badly, ill, wrongly.
malens : preferring.
Malmundarium : Malmedy.
malo mallui malus : to choose, prefer.
malum : evil, misfortune, misdeed, crime, injury, damage.
malus peior pessimus : bad, wicked, evil.
mancipo mancepo : to sell formally, turn over, give into charge.
mancipo : to sell formally, give up.
mandatum : order, decree, mandate, instruction.
mando : to commit, entrust, order, command.
mane : morning, early in the morning, early.
manentia : permanency.
maneo : to remain, stay, stay the night, last, endure, abide by.
mansuetus : mild, soft, gentle.
manus manus : hand, band, handwriting.
Marceniense : Marchiennes,
Marcieniensis : Marchiennes.
mare maris : sea.
maritus : husband.
mater matris : mother.
matera, mairia : ?vat, for the fermentation of beer.
materia : material, substance, matter.
matertera : maternal aunt.
matrimonium : marriage.
maxime : greatly, exceedingly, to the highest degree, very.
maxime : especially, particularly, principally.
me : (acc.) me, e.g. that old black magic has ME in its spell.
me : (abl.) me, e.g. you'll do fine with ME, baby.
medicus : doctor, physician.
mediocris : ordinary, average, fair, moderate, mediocre.
meditor meditatus : to reflect upon, consider, ponder/practice.
medius : middle, the middle of.
mei : my, mine/MY heart belongs to daddy. that old gang of MINE.
mel mellis : honey.
melior : better.
mellitus : honeyed, sweet as honey.
membrana : thin skin, film, parchment, membrane, prepared skin.
memini meminisse : to remember.
memor : mindful, remembering, grateful, thoughful, prudent.
memoratus : mentioned.
memoria : memory, remembrance, recall, recollection.
Menapiorum :
mendosus : faulty, full of faults.
mens mentis : mind, thought, intention, intellect.
mensa : table.
mensis mensis : month.
mercatores : merchants????
merces mercedis : pay, reward, recompense, compensation.
mereo, mereor : deserve, earn, be entitled to, merit.
mereo : deserve, gain, obtain, serve as a soldier.
meretrix meretricis : prostitute, whore, harlot.
meridianus : midday, afternoon, south.
mestitia : misfortune?
Metim : Metz.
metuo : to fear, dread, be frightened.
metus : fear, dread, anxiety.
meus : my.
mica : crumb, morsel, grain.
mihi : (dat.) me/give ME land, lots of land.
miles militis : soldier, warrior, knight.
milia : (pl.) thousands.
militaris -e : of a soldier, military, martial.
mille : a thousand.
millies milies : a thousand times.
minime : in the least degree, very little/not at all, by no means
minimeque : see minime
minimus : least, smallest, slightest.
ministr-o, ministr-are : (1v) to serve, wait upon, provide, supply, to attend, assist.
minor : smaller, less, slighter.
minuo minui minutum : To less, diminish, decrease, grow smaller.
mire : wonderfully, marvellously, uncommonly.
miro : to wonder.
miror : to marvel at, admire, wonder.
mirus : wonderful, astonishing, extraordinary.
misceo miscui mixtum : to mix, mingle, blend.
miser : wretched, unfortunate, miserable.
misere : wretchedly, miserably.
misereo, misereor : to pity.
misericordia : pity, mercy.
missa : holy mass
mitesco : to grow mild, ameliorate.
mitigo : to make mild or ripe, make smooth, pacify, appease.
mitis : mild, gentle/ripe, mature.
mitto misi missum : to send, dispatch.
modestus : orderly, within bounds, moderate, restrained.
modica : moderate, within bounds, limited, undistinguished.
modicus : ordinary, undistinguished, within bounds.
modio : a grain measure, a bushel basket.
modo : now, just now, only.
modus : measure, bound, limit/manner, method, mode, way.
Moguntienses : Mainz.
moleste : take annoyance
moleste fero : I take annoyance.
molestia : annoyance, troublesomeness/stiffness, affectation.
molestus : troublesome, disagreeable, annoying.
molior : to build, erect, construct, contrive, toil, struggle.
mollio : to soften, make pliant.
mollis : adj. soft, pliant, flexible, easily moved, gentle.
monachus : monk.
Monasteriense : Munster.
monasterium : monastery, abbey, convent.
moneo : to warn, admonish, remind, advise, instruct.
monitio : admonition, warning.
mons montis : mountain, mount.
monstro : to show, appoint, point out, ordain.
monstrum : portent, omen, monster.
Montensem : Mons.
mora : delay
moratlis : mortal.
morbus : sickness, disease, illness.
mores, morium : ways, conduct, character, morals.
morior : to die, wither away, decay.
mors mortis : death.
morsus : a biting, bite, also, sting, pain.
mortifera : deadly things
mortuus : dead, deceased, passed away, gone West, departed.
mos moris : will, inclination/custom, wont, usage, rule.
moveo moti motum : to move, arouse, affect, influence.
mox : soon, presently, then, thereupon.
mucro : a sharp point, edge, dagger point.
mugio : to groan, bellow, roar, low.
mulier : woman.
multi : many, numerous/the common herd.
multo : by much, by far, by a great deal, by a lot.
multum : much, greatly.
multus : ne multus : briefly, in brief.
multus : much, great
multus plus plurimum : much, a lot.
mundo : to clean.
mundus : world, universe.
mundus : clean, neat, elegant.
munero/munerior : to give, present.
munimentum : fortification, protection, defenses.
munio : to fortify, defend, protect/build a road.
munitio : fortifying, defense works, bridging, fortification.
munus muneris : service, office, function, duty/gift.
mus muris : mouse.
mussito : to grumble, mutter.
mutatio : change, alteration, transformation.
muto : to change, alter/exchange.
muto : punish, fine, mulct.
mutuo : borrowed, lend,
mutuus : interchanged, mutually, reciprocal/reciprocity.
mutuus : a loan. dare mutuum : to make a loan.
nam : because, namely
namque : (conj.) for.
Namucense : Namur.
narrat : he/she/it tells, reports
narro : to make known, say, speak, narrate.
nascor nasci natus : to be born, spring forth.
natalis natalis : birthday.
natio : nation, people.
natura : nature
nauta : sailor.
navigatio : voyage, navigation.
navigo : to sail, navigate.
navis navis : ship, vessel, boat.
ne ... quidem : not ... even.
ne : (conj.) that ... not, in order that ... not, in order not to.
nec... nec : neither... nor
necdum (neque dum) : and not yet.
necessarius : necessary, needed, essential.
necesse : (adj.) necessary, unavoidable, indispensable.
necne : or not.
neco : to kill, slay, put to death.
nefas : wrong, sin.
nego : to deny.
negotium : employment, business, task, occupation, pains.
nemo : no one, nobody.
neo : to spin, interweave. (to spin thread and yarn).
nepos nepotis : grandson.
nequam : worthless, good for nothing, bad.
nequaquam : by no means, not at all.
neque ... neque : neither ... nor.
neque nec : and not, nor.
nequeo : not to be able, to be impossible.
nequitia nequities : worthlessness, badness, wickedness.
nescio : to be ignorant, be unaware, not know, be unknowing.
nichilominus : nevertheless.
nidor : vapor, smell, reek, odor.
niger : black.
nihil : (undeclinable) nothing
nihilum : nothing.
nimirum : of course, undoubtedly, certainly (sometimes ironical).
nimis : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively
nimium : (adv.) too much, overmuch, excessively.
nisi : if not, unless, except.
niteo : to shine, glitter, be bright, glow, be sleek, flourish.
nitesco : to begin to shine, grow sleek.
nitor : to strive, exert oneself, make an effort, persevere.
nitor : to rest, lean, support oneself/trust in, depend upon.
nitor : brilliance, brightness, glow, elegance, splendor.
Nivellensem : Nivelles, city and monastery.
niveus : white, snowy.
no: (nare, navi) : to swim, float, fly, sail.
nobis : (abl.) us/there'll be no one as happy as US.
nobis : (dat.) us/the world belongs to US.
nocens : bad, wicked, injurious, culpable, evil.
noceo : (+ dat.) to do harm to, inflict injury, hurt.
nolo, nolle, nolui : to be unwilling, wish not to, refuse.
nomen : name/nomen Romanorum: Roman power.
nominatim : by name, expressly.
nomine tenus : nominally, in name.
nomine tenus nominetenus : as far as the meaning of the word extends.
non : not.
non iam :not anymore
non solum... sed etiam : not just..., but also
nondum : not yet
nonnisi : not? not unless? Herimann, cap. 34.
nonnullus : some/pl. several.
nonnumquam : sometimes.
nonus : ninth.
nos : we/WE live and die by that creed.
nos : us/they tried to tell US we're too young.
nosco : to become acquainted with, get to know.
noster nostra nostrum : our, ours.
noster nostri : our ours/OUR hearts beat as one.
noster nostri : our ours/that old dream of OURS
nota : mark, token, note, sign.
notarius : stenographer (class.), notary, legal scribe.
novem : nine.
novitas : newness, novelty, strangeness.
novo : to make anew, refresh, revive, change, alter, invent.
novus : novel, unusual, extraordinary/news, novelty, a new thing
novus : new, fresh, young, inexperienced, revived, refreshed.
nox noctis : night.
nullus : not any, no, none.
numerus : total, category, class, number.
numquam : adv. at no time, never.
nunc : now, at the present time.
nunc quidem : at one time ... then.
nunquam : never.
nuntio : to announce, report, relate.
nuntius : messenger, message.
nuper : newly, recently, not long ago.
nusquam esse : not to exist.
nusquam : nowhere, in no place, nothing, for nothing, never.
nutrimens : food, nourishment.
nutrimentus : nourishment.
nutrio : to suckle, nourish, bring up, rear.
nutus : a nodding, nod, command, will.
nutus : a nod, command, will/gravitation, movement down.
obdormio : to fall asleep.
obduro : to be hard, persist, endure, last, hold out.
obicio obieci obiectum : to offer, throw in someone's teeth.
obligatus : bound, under an obligation.
obliquo : to turn sideways, turn aside.
oblittero : to cancel, blot out.
oblivio : forgetfulness, oblivion.
obruo : to overwhelm, destroy.
obsequium : indulgence, pliancy, submission.
obstinatus : firm, resolved, staunch.
obtestor : to implore, entreat, beg, call as a witness.
obtineo : to hold, keep, possess, maintain/to continue.
obtinere : see obtineo
obviam ire : (+ dat.) to go to meet, oppose/help, remedy.
obviam : on the way, in the way/(+ dat.) towards, against.
obvius : on the way, in the way/(in dat.) open, accessible.
occasio : favorable moment, opportunity.
occido occidi occasum : to fall, fall down, (for the sun) to set.
occulto : secretly.
occupo : to take possession, grasp, seize, enjoy, get a start on.
occurro : to fall upon, attack, work against, counteract.
occursus : meeting, falling in, running into each other.
ocius : quick. fleet, sooner, faster.
oculus : eye.
odio : to hate, despite, hold in contempt, dislike strongly.
odium : hatred.
offensio : striking, knocking, hitting against, blow.
offero : to bring forward, place before, present, offer, expose.
officina : workshop, factor.
officium : duty, service, job.
olim : at that time, formerly, once, for a long time now.
omitto : to omit, leave out/let go.
omnigenus : of all kinds.
omnino : altogether, entirely, wholly, certainly, completely.
omnipotens : all-powerful, almighty, omnipotent
omnis, -e : (adj.) all, every; as a whole.
onero : to load, burden, oppress, fill up.
onus : load, burden, weight, trouble/charge, public road tax.
opera : work, pains, labor.
operor : to work, labor, toil, take pains.
opes : (pl.) means, wealth, abundance, riches, resources.
opinio : opinion, report, rumor, conjecture, report.
opisthotonos : A disease where the body is curved backward.
oporotheca : place for keeping fruit.
oportet : it is proper, one should, one ought.
oportunitas : convenience, fitness, advantage, opportunity.
oppono opposui oppositum : to set against, oppose, be opposite.
opportune : (adv) opportunely, conveniently.
opportunitas : fitness, suitability, convenience, advantage.
opportunitatus : Herimann, cap. 42.
opportunus : opportune, fit, convenient, suitable.
opportunus : fit, suitable/(time) favorable/(+dat.) liable to.
opprimo oppressi oppressum : to suppress, overwhelm, overpower, check.
opprobrium : reproach, disgrace.
oppugno : to fight against, attack, assault, assail.
ops : singular: power, power to aid, power to help.
optimates : the aristocratic party.
optimus: one of the best, aristocrat, noble.
opto : to desire, wish for, want.
opus operis : work, labor, work done, completed work, building.
oratio : speech, address, oration.
orator : orator, speaker.
orbis terrarum : the world, the Earth.
orbis : circle, orb.
ordinatio : rule, government, order, arrangment, regulation.
ordine, ordinem : regularly, appropriately, properly.
ordo : rank, class, order.
orior oriri ortus : rise, become visible, appear.
ornatus : dress, attire, equipment, ornament, embellishment.
orno : to equip, furnish, supply/decorate, adorn.
oro : to speak, argue, plead, orate, beg, entreat.
os, oris : mouth, face, countenance.
ostendo : show, reveal, present, make plain, declare.
ostium : entrance, door.
otium : free time, leisure, ease, peace, repose.
otium : ease, leisure, inactivity.
ovis ovis : sheep.
paciscor : to make an agreement, covenant, pact.
paciscor : to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal.
pactum : treaty, pact, contract.
pactum : agreement, contract, covenant, pact.
pactus : agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed.
paene, pene : nearly, almost.
paganus : countryman, peasant, pagan.
pala : spade, peel for putting bread in the oven.
palam : openly, publicly, (+abl.) in the presence of.
palea : chaff.
pallium : coverlet, mantle, cloak.
palma : palm.
pando : to stretch out, spread out, extent.
panis panis : bread.
par : equal, like.
paratus : prepared, ready, provided, equipped.
paratus : prepared, ready, equipped; (of persons) skilled.
paratus : preparation, fitting out, equipment.
parco : (with dative) to spare, refrain from injuring.
parco : (+inf.: to forbear to), avoid, spare, keep oneself from.
parens parentis : parent.
pareo : (+ dat.) to be obedient to, obey.
paries parietis : wall
parilis : similar, like, equal.
pario : to bear, bring forth, produce/create, make, get.
pariter : equally, in like manner, as well.
paro : to prepare, get ready/set, put/furnish, supply/buy.
pars, -rtis (f.) : part, side, share/direction; qua ex parte: on which account; magna ex parte: to a great extent; tres partes: three quarters.
partim : partly/some.
parum minus minime : (adv.) little, too little, not enough.
parvus minor minimus : small, little
pasco : to graze, forage, browse.
passer : sparrow.
passim : adv. far and wide, everywhere, scattered about.
patefacio : to disclose, expose, open, make open.
pateo : to be revealed, to stand open, to be clear, plain.
pater patris : father.
paternus : of a father, paternal, native.
patiens : patient/(+ gen.) capable of enduring.
patientia : patience, suffering, endurance.
patior : to suffer, endure, permit.
patria : fatherland, one's native country, homeland.
patrocinor : to protect, defend, support, patronize.
patronus : patron, protector.
patruus : paternal uncle.
pauci : few, a few, some.
paulatim : gradually, little by little.
pauper : beggar, person without means.
pauper : poor, with few means, poverty-stricken.
paupertas : beggardry, poverty, humble circumstances.
pax pacis : peace
peccatus : sin.
pecco : to do wrong, err, sin, go astray.
pecto : to comb, card, thrash (to card wool).
pectus pectoris : heart, breast.
pecunia : money.
pecus : a single head of cattle, especially a sheep.
peior : worse (see malus).
pello pepulli pulsum : to hit, beat/exile, drive away, banish.
pendeo : to hang, depend, be suspended/be uncertain, undecided.
pendo : to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem.
penitus : inward, inner, interior.
penitus : (adv.) inside, widely, through and through, completely.
penus, us : provender, supplies, victuals.
pepulo : ? Herimann, cap. 3.
per : (+ acc.) (cause) because of, on account of.
per : (+ acc.) (means/instrument) through, with, by, by means of.
per : (+ acc.) (of time) throughout, during, in the course of.
per : (+ acc.) (of space) through, along, over/in the presence of.
peracto : to carry through, complete, accomplish.
peragro : to wander through, travel through.
percipio percepi perceptum : to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
percontor percunctor : inquire, interrogate, investigate.
perculsus : a shock.
percutio (percussum) : to strike hard, pierce, transfix/shock.
perdignus : very worthy.
perdo : to destroy, ruin, waste, scatter, squander.
perduco : to lead through, conduct, carry through.
peregrinus : wanderer, foreigner, stranger/pilgrim, crusader.
pereo : to pass away, be destroyed, perish.
perfectus : complete, finished, done/perfect, without flaw.
perfero : to bear, suffer, endure.
perficio perfeci perfectum: to do thoroughly, accomplish, bring about.
perfruor : to execute completely, enjoy to the full.
perfusus : steeped, soaked, drenched.
pergo : to continue, proceed, go on with.
periclitatus : put in peril, endangered.
periclitor : to test make a trial, put in peril, endanger.
periculosus : hazardous, dangerous.
periculum : danger, risk.
perimo peremi peremptum : to destroy
peritus : skilled, expert.
periurium : perjury, oath-breaking, forswearing an oath.
perlustro : to pass through, survey, look, examine.
permitto permissi permissum : to allow, permit, let.
permoveo : to excite, agitate, stir up, move.
perniciosus : pernicious, destructive.
perperam : wrongly, falsely.
perpetro : to complete, accomplish, perform.
perpetuus : perpetual, lasting, continuous, uninterrupted.
perscitus : very clever, exceedingly sharp.
perscribo : to write out, write down, place on record.
perseco : to cut through, dissect, cut away.
persequor persequi persecutus : to follow, pursue, take revenge.
perseverantia : perseverance, persistence.
persevero : to persist, persevere, continue.
persisto : to persist, persevere.
persolvo : to unloose, explain, expound/pay off a debt, pay.
personam gero : to act a part.
perspicuus : transparent, bright, clear, evident.
persuadeo persuasi persuasum : (+ dat.) to persuade.
perterreo : to terrify.
pertimesco : to become very much afraid.
pertinacia : firmness, obstinacy, stubbornness.
pertinaciter : stubbornly, obstinately.
pertinax : persistent, firm, mean, stubborn, obstinate
pertinent : see pertineo
pertineo : to pertain to, relate to, concern.
pertingo : to stretch out, extend.
pertorqueo : to twist, distort.
pertraho : to drag, forcibly conduct, entice, allure.
perturbo : to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt.
perturpis : very disgraceful.
peruro perussi perustum : to burn up, consume/inflame, gall, chafe.
pervalidus : very strong.
pervenio : (+ acc.) to reach, attain, reach, be passed to.
perverto perverti perversum : to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow.
pervideo pervidi pervisum : to look over, survey, inspect, discern.
pes pedis : foot.
pessimus : worst (see malus)
pessum do: to destroy, ruin, wreck
pessum ire: to sink, be ruined, destroyed, be put to an end.
pessum : to the ground, to the bottom, downward.
pestifer : pestilential, injurious, damaging, plaguey,
pestifere : destructively, injuriously.
pestis pestis : plague, epidemic, pestilence/destruction, curse.
petitus : inclining toward
peto : to make for, go to, seek, strive after.
peto : to ask for, beg, request, demand/to sue for.
Pevela : Pevle, near Cisoing.
pharetra : a quiver.
phasma phasmatis : ghost, spirit, specter.
phitonicum : Herimann p. 275.
pia pium : honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic.
pica : jay, magpie.
picea : the spruce tree
pictor : painter
pictoratus : painted/of cloth, embroidered.
piger pigra pigrum : lazy, slow, dull.
pignus : pawn, pledge, token, (in pl.) persons in pledges of
piper, piperis : pepper.
pipio : to chirp, tweet, pipe.
pirum : pear.
pirus : pear tree.
piscator : fisherman.
piscis piscis : fish.
pius: dutiful, godly, holy, upright, kind, honest, affectionate.
placeo : (+ dat.) to please, be agreeable to
placet : it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good.
placide : quitely, gently.
placidus : quiet, still, gentle.
placitum : judgment, case/plea, litigation/defense.
placitum : accord, agreement, pact/assembly for judgment.
placo : to placate, appease.
plaga : district, zone, region.
plagiarius : kid-napper, plagiarist
plane : plainly, clearly.
plango planxi plactum : to strike, beat/bewail, mourn.
platea : street, courtyard.
plaustrum : wagon, cart, charles Wain.
plebs plebis : the common people, the masses, the crowd.
plecto : to punish.
plector : to be punished.
plene : (adv.) completely, wholly, fully.
plenus : full, complete, full, satisfied, rich, mature, plump.
plerumque : for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly.
plerusque : very many, a great number, a large part, the greater part.
plico : to fold.
plorabilis : deplorable.
plorator : a lamenter.
ploratus : weeping, lamenting.
ploro : to lament, weep, weep over.
pluit pluvit : it is raining, a shower is falling.
pluma : feather/featherbed/pen.
plumbeus : leaden, made of lead/dull, stupid, heavy, oppressive, bad.
plumbum album : tin.
plumbum : lead, a bullet, lead pipe.
pluo : to rain, shower, sprinkle.
plura : more numerous, several, many.
plures : more numerous, several, many.
plurimi : at the highest price, of the highest worth.
plurimus : most, very many.
pluris : (gen.) at a higher price, of a great value
plus : more.
plusculus : somewhat more, rather more.
pluvia : rain, shower.
pluvialis : pertaining to rain, of rain.
pocius potius : rather, preferably.
poema poematis : poem, verse, rhyme.
poena : pain, punishment, penalty/poena dare : to pay the penalty.
poeta : (masc.) poet.
polenta : pearl barley, barley groats.
pollen : (also pollis ): fine flour, fine meal.
polleo : to be strong, powerful, able.
pollex : thumb, big toe.
polliceor : to promise, offer.
pollicitus : promised, a promise.
pomum : fruit, apple.
pono posui positum : to lay, place, put, set/(milit.) post, station.
pons pontis : bridge.
poposco : see posco : Herimann, cap. 28, 69.
populus : people, the people, nation, crowd, audience, multitude, host.
porro : forward, further, next, in turn, (of time) long ago.
porta : gate, entrance.
port-a-nt : (1v) they are carrying
posco : to call upon, ask earnestly, request.
positus : position, place, arrangment.
possessio : possession, property.
possum posse potum : to be able, avail, have influence.
post : (+ acc.) after, behind.
postea : afterwards.
posteri : posterity.
posterus, postremo : subsequent, following, next, future.
posthabeo : [posthabito] : to put after, consider of less account.
postpono : to put after, consider secondary.
postquam : (conj.) after.
postulo : to ask.
potens : able, mighty, powerful, strong.
potestas : power, ability, authority/opportunity.
potior : (+ gen. or dat.) to possess, hold, get possession of.
potissimum : (adv.) chiefly, most of all.
potissimus : best of all, chief, principal.
potius : rather, preferably
prae dulcis/pre dulcis : exceedingly sweet.
prae se ferre/pre se ferre : to show, exhibit, on account of.
prae quam/pre quam : in comparison with.
prae pre : (prep. with abl.) before,
prae pre : (adv.) before, in front.
praebeo prebeo : to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow.
praebeo prebeo : (+ refl.) to show oneself, present oneself.
praecedo precedo : to precede, go before/surpass, excel.
praecedunt : see praecedo
praecelsus precelsus : exceedingly high.
praecepio precepio : precept, preconception.
praeceptum preceptum : precept.
praecido : to cut short, lop, mutilate.
praecipio, precipio : to instruct, advise, warn, anticipate.
praecipuus precipuus: excellent, distinguished, extraordinary.
praeclarus preclarus : excellent, famous, beautiful, striking.
praeconor preconor : to be a public crier, to herald, proclaim.
praecox precox : ripe beforehand, premature.
praeda preda : plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey.
praedico predico : to warn, admonish, instruct, foretell.
praeeo preeo : to go before, precede/to say in advance/to order.
praefero prefero : to carry in front, display, prefer.
praefero prefero : anticipate, carry by, ride by.
praeficio preficio/prefeci prefectum : to put in charge of
praefinio prefinio : to appoint ahead of time
praefoco prefoco : to choke, suffocate.
praegravo pregravo : to press heavily upon, weigh down, oppress.
praemitto : to send forward, dispatch, send in advance.
praemium premium : reward, prize.
praemo premo : to press down, strike down.
praenuntio, prenuntio : to foretell, announce before hand.
praenuntius prenuncius : foretelling, harbinger, omen, token.
praepono prepono : to set over, prefer.
praepositus prepositus : (monastic) prior.
praeproperus, preproperus: over-hasty, precipitate.
praesentia presentia : presence, presence of mind, effect, power.
praesentia presencia : power, effect.
praesidium presidium : guard, garrison, detachment/protection.
praestans prestans : excellent, distinguished, imminent.
praestantia prestantia: superiority, excellence.
praesto : to stand before, be outstanding, excell, surpass, show.
praesto presto : to answer for, be responsible for.
praesto presto : to do, perform, display, fulfill, offer, present.
praesul presul : dancer/presider, protector, director.
praesum presum : to be at the head of, be in charge of.
praesumo presumo : to anticipate, take for granted.
praeter : adj., except; prep. + acc., besides, beyond, more than.
praeterea preterea : besides, further, hereafter.
praetereo pretereo : to pass over, pass by, omit.
praeteritus preteritus : past.
praetermissio pretermissio : neglect, passing over, omission.
praetorgredior pretergredior : to pass beyond, go beyond.
praevenio, prevenio : to come before, anticipate.
praevenio : get the start of.
pravitas : crookedness, depravity, deformity, perversity.
preastolatio prestolatio : the waiting for, expectation.
precipio : to anticipate, instruct, advise, warn.
precipue : chiefly, especially, particularly.
precor : to pray, beg, entreat, invoke.
prehendo : to seize, snatch, grasp, detain, arrest.
premo pressi pressum : to squeeze, press down, strike down.
prenda : booty, loot, stolen goods.
pretereo : to go by, pass by, escape.
pretium : price, value, reward.
prevenire : to come to, go before hand, attend.
prex precis : request, entreaty, prayer.
primitus : first, for the first time.
primo : first, at first, at the beginning, at the start.
primoris : first, foremost/most distinguished, first.
primum : quam primum : as soon as possible.
primum : at first, for the first time, in the first place.
princeps : chief, prince.
principatus : rule, dominion, pre-eminence, first place.
principium : beginning.
prior prius : former, prior.
priores, um : forefathers, ancestors.
priscus : ancient, antique, former, old days, venerable.
pristinus : former, venerable, ancient.
prius : before, formerly.
priusquam : (conj.) before.
privatus : private, unofficial, a private person.
privigna : step-daughter.
privo : to deprive
privus : (with gen.) deprived of.
pro eo : because of the fact, because, for this reason..
pro : (+ abl.) in return for, instead of/for, as.
pro : (+ abl.) in front of, before/on behalf of, for.
probitas : probity, uprightness, honesty.
probo : to show, prove, demonstrate, approve, find good, judge.
procedo : to go out, come out/result, prosper/turn out well.
procedo : to go ahead, proceed, advance, continue.
procella : storm, tempest, gale; (milit) charge, onset, wave.
procella : storm, tempest, gale.
procer : chief noble, prince.
procinctu : prepared or ready for battle.
procul : far, at, to, from a distance.
procurator : manager, bailiff, agent.
prodigiosus : unnatural, wonderful, miraculous, amazing.
proditor : traitor, betrayer.
proeliis : see proelium
proelium : battle.
profecto : truly, really, indeed.
profero : to carry out, bring forth.
proficio : to make progress, advance.
proficio : advance, assist, help, aid, be of use.
proficiscor : to depart, set out, to start forward, to arise.
proficuus : proficiscor : to start forward, set out, depart, arise.
profiteor: to make a public statement/to declare oneself.
profiteor: to acknowledge, confess/offer, promise.
profor profari profatus : to speak out.
profugus : fleeing, fugitive, banished, migratory.
profundo frofui profusum : to pour forth, gush, stream.
profundum : a depth, abyss, chasm/the sea.
profundus : deep, profound, high, thick, dense, boundless.
progener : husband of a grand-daughter.
progenero : to produce, engender.
progenies : descent, lineage, progeny, offspring, descendants.
progenitor : founder of a family, ancestor.
progigno progenui progenitum : to engender, bring forth.
prognatus : born, sprung from/son.
progredior : to go forth, advance, proceed, go out.
progressio : advance, progress, increase.
progressus : advance, going forward, increase, a royal circuit.
prohibent : see prohibeo
prohibeo : to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid.
prohibitio : prohibition, restrain, forbidding.
proicio : to throw forth, fling, abandon.
proinde ut: proinde quam: just as.
proinde quasi proinde ac si : just as if.
proinde : consequently, therefore, as a result.
prolabor : to slide forward, slip forward, fall forward, fall down.
prolapsio : a slipping or sliding.
prolatio : a bringing forward, mentioning/extension/deferring.
prolato : to enlarge, lengthen, extend/put off, defer.
prolecto : to entice, allure.
proles : offspring, descendants, posterity, (plants : fruit).
proletarius : a citizen of the lowest rank.
prolicio prolixi : to lure forth, entice.
prolix : long, stretching.
prolixus : wide, broad, long/willing, obliging, favorable.
proloquor : to speak out, declare openly.
proluo prolu prolutum : to wash away, wash clean.
prolusio : preliminary exercise, prelude.
proluvier : inundation/scouring/discharge.
promereo promereor : to deserve, merit
promeritum : desserts, merit, credit.promissio : a promise.
prominens : jutting out, standing out/a projection.
promineo : to stand out, jut, extend.
promisce promiscue : indiscriminately.
promiscus promiscuus : mixed, indiscriminate/commonplace, usual.
promissio : a promise
promissor : a promiser, suretor, guarantor.
promitto : to let go, send forth, undertake, promise.
promitto : to let go forward, send forth, promise, undertake.
promo prompsi promptum : to produce, disclose, bring forth.
promontorium : peak, mountain crest, ridge, promontory.
promoveo promovi promotum : push forward, move ahead, advance.
prompte : promptly, resolutely, readily.
promptu : in promptu habere : to have read, display, have on show.
promptu : in promptu ponere : to make clear, reveal, disclose.
promptu : in promptu esse : to be ready, to be easy, to be clear.
promptus : (persons) prepared, resolute, prompt.
promptus : ready at hand, visible, apparent.
promulgatio : publication, promulgation (of a law).
promus : steward, butler.
promutuus : (cash) advanced, prepaid, arraigned beforehand.
pronepos proneptos : great-grandson
pronuntio : to proclaim, announce, declaim.
prope : near, nearly, not far from, just now, closely.
prope : near, near to, not far, not long from now.
propello : to drive before one, drive away.
propero : to hasten, speed, move rapidly, come quickly.
propero : to hasten/accelerate, speed up.
propinquo : (intrans) to come near, draw near, approach.
propinquus : near, close, similar, nearly related.
propono : display, publish, relate, tell, propose, promise.
propositum : a design, purpose, scheme, theme of discourse.
proprie : exclusively, particularly, peculiarly. properly.
proprius : one's own, special, characteristic, particular.
proprius : one's own, permanent, special, peculiar.
propter : (+ acc.) near, close, on account of, because of.
propterea : because
propugnaculum : fortification, rampart, defense.
prorsus : forward, straight ahead, to sum up, utterly, wholly.
prosequor (prosecutus) : to attack, go with, pursue, attend.
prosper : favorable, fortunate, lucky, prosperous.
prosperitas : prosperity, good fortune.
prosum (profuturus) : to be useful, of benefit, do good.
prosum : to be useful, do good, benefit (+ dative).
prosum : (with dat.) to be useful, do good, benefit.
protestor, protesto : to declare in public, affirm, bear witness.
protinus : forward, further on, continuously, immediately.
protraho (protractus): to draw out, protract, defer, make known.
prout : just as, according to.
provectus : advanced, advanced in age.
proveho : to carry on, carry forward, advance, promote,
proventus : a growing up, increase, crop, yield, or issue.
provideo : to foresee, provide, make provision for.
provisor : one who provides for, or against.
provolvere se : to throw oneself down, abase oneself.
proximeque : see proximus
proximus : nearest, closest, next.
prudens : prudent, wise.
prudenter : wisely, discreetly.
prudentia : foresight, wisdom, discretion.
Pruma : Prums.
publicus : of the people, public, open to all.
puchre : beautifully, finely, handsomely.
pudendus : shameful, disgraceful.
pudeo : to be ashamed,
pudicus : modest. chaste.
pudor : modesty, bashfulness.
puella : girl.
puer : boy.
puerilis : childish, boyish, foolish.
pueriliter : boyishly, childishly, foolishly.
puga pyga : buttocks.
pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to.
pugnacitas : the desire to fight, pugnacity.
pugnaculum : fortress.
pugnat : he/she/it fights
pugnax : fond of fighting, combative, stubborn, contentious.
pugno : to fight.
pugnus : the fist.
pulchellus : pretty.
pulcher pulchra pulchrum : beautiful, handsome, fine.
pulchritudo pulchritudinis : beauty, fineness.
pulex : the flea.
pullulo : shoot up, sprout, burgeon.
pullus : dark-colored, blackish/sad, gloomy/a dark garment.
pullus : young animal/chicken, chick.
pulmentum : anything eaten with bread, sauce or relish.
pulmo : the lung.
pulpa : flesh.
pulpitum : platform, stage.
pulso : to strike (the hours)
pulsus : beating, blow, push, influence.
pulsus : beating, blow, push, impulse, influence.
pulvis : dust, powder/arena, scene of action.
pumilius pumilio : a dwarf.
punctum : a prick, little hole, puncture/a point, spot, place.
pungo pupugi punctum : to penetrate/sting, annoy, harass.
pungo pupugi punctum : to prick, puncture, stab/touch, move.
puniceus : purple, red.
punio : to punish, avenge, gave vengeance.
punitor : punisher, avenger.
pupa : doll/little girl.
pupillus pupilla : orphan, ward.
puppis : stern of a ship, the poop.
pupula : pupil of the eye.
purgamentum : rubbish, trash, filth, sweepings.
purgatio: cleaning out, cleansing/excsuing, justification.
purgo : to clean, cleanse, purify/clear away, wash off/justify.
purpura : purple dye, purple cloth/high rank, emperorship.
purus : pure, free from.
pusillus : tiny, puny/petty, mean.
putator : pruner.
puteo : to stink, be redolent, smell bad.
puter : rotten, decayed, putrid/loose, crumbling/flabby.
putesco : to putrefy, day, rot.
puteus : well, pit.
puto : to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe, suppose, judge.
putus : pure, unmixed, unadulterated.
pyropus : bronze.
pyus pyxidis : a little box, casket.
Salve omnibus,
ReplyDeleteMeum nomen est Mr, Rugare Sim. Ego vivo in Belgio, beati homo hodie? et ego ad me ipso, quod quis quartum decimum, quod liberandum et domus mea de pauperes statu, velim aliqua persona, quae sit quaeritis loan ad eum, dedit beatitudo est et familiare, ego eram in necessitatem habenti accipere ab € 300,000.00 incipere meae toto quod sum, unum Patrem in II haedos ego met is honestus atque Domine timens loan munus est auxilium mihi in mutua € 300,000.00, est Allah timens Deum, si vos tantopere indigent cives loan et dices ad eum qui exsoluet loan placere contactus (bis, Rugare Sim) refer te ad se. Contact Mr. Mohamed careen via email: (arabloanfirmserves@gmail.com)
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