paciscor : to make an agreement, covenant, pact.
paciscor : to make a bargain or agreement, covenant, deal.
pactum : treaty, pact, contract.
pactum : agreement, contract, covenant, pact.
pactus : agreed-upon, stipulated, betrothed.
paene, pene : nearly, almost.
paganus : countryman, peasant, pagan.
pala : spade, peel for putting bread in the oven.
palam : openly, publicly, (+abl.) in the presence of.
palea : chaff.
pallium : coverlet, mantle, cloak.
- palma, palmae (1df)
- palm. (CIGL)
pando : to stretch out, spread out, extent.
panis panis : bread.
par : equal, like.
paratus : prepared, ready, provided, equipped.
paratus : prepared, ready, equipped; (of persons) skilled.
paratus : preparation, fitting out, equipment.
parco : (with dative) to spare, refrain from injuring.
parco : (+inf.: to forbear to), avoid, spare, keep oneself from.
parens parentis : parent.
pareo : (+ dat.) to be obedient to, obey.
paries parietis : wall
parilis : similar, like, equal.
pario : to bear, bring forth, produce/create, make, get.
pariter : equally, in like manner, as well.
paro : to prepare, get ready/set, put/furnish, supply/buy.
- pars, -rtis (3df)
- part, side, share/direction; qua ex parte: on which account; magna ex parte: to a great extent; tres partes: three quarters. (CIGL)
partim : partly/some.
parum minus minime : (adv.) little, too little, not enough.
parvus minor minimus : small, little
pasco : to graze, forage, browse.
passer : sparrow.
passim : adv. far and wide, everywhere, scattered about.
patefacio : to disclose, expose, open, make open.
pateo : to be revealed, to stand open, to be clear, plain.
pater patris : father.
paternus : of a father, paternal, native.
patiens : patient/(+ gen.) capable of enduring.
patientia : patience, suffering, endurance.
patior : to suffer, endure, permit.
patria : fatherland, one's native country, homeland.
patrocinor : to protect, defend, support, patronize.
patronus : patron, protector.
patruus : paternal uncle.
pauci : few, a few, some.
paulatim : gradually, little by little.
pauper : beggar, person without means.
pauper : poor, with few means, poverty-stricken.
paupertas : beggardry, poverty, humble circumstances.
- pax, pacis (3df)
- peace (CIGL)
peccatus : sin.
pecco : to do wrong, err, sin, go astray.
pecto : to comb, card, thrash (to card wool).
pectus pectoris : heart, breast.
pecunia, pecuniae (1df) : money.
pecus : a single head of cattle, especially a sheep.
peior : worse (see malus).
pello pepulli pulsum : to hit, beat/exile, drive away, banish.
pendeo : to hang, depend, be suspended/be uncertain, undecided.
- pendo, pendere (3v)
- to weigh, value, consider, judge, esteem, to hang. (CIGL)
penitus : inward, inner, interior.
penitus : (adv.) inside, widely, through and through, completely.
penus, us : provender, supplies, victuals.
pepulo : ? Herimann, cap. 3.
per : (+ acc.) (cause) because of, on account of.
per : (+ acc.) (means/instrument) through, with, by, by means of.
per : (+ acc.) (of time) throughout, during, in the course of.
per : (+ acc.) (of space) through, along, over/in the presence of.
peracto : to carry through, complete, accomplish.
- perago, peragere (3v)
- to do (CIGL)
peragro : to wander through, travel through.
percipio percepi perceptum : to gain, learn, perceive, understand.
percontor percunctor : inquire, interrogate, investigate.
perculsus : a shock.
percutio (percussum) : to strike hard, pierce, transfix/shock.
perdignus : very worthy.
perdo : to destroy, ruin, waste, scatter, squander.
perduco : to lead through, conduct, carry through.
peregrinus : wanderer, foreigner, stranger/pilgrim, crusader.
pereo : to pass away, be destroyed, perish.
perfectus : complete, finished, done/perfect, without flaw.
perfero : to bear, suffer, endure.
perficio perfeci perfectum: to do thoroughly, accomplish, bring about.
perfruor : to execute completely, enjoy to the full.
perfusus : steeped, soaked, drenched.
pergo : to continue, proceed, go on with.
periclitatus : put in peril, endangered.
periclitor : to test make a trial, put in peril, endanger.
periculosus : hazardous, dangerous.
periculum : danger, risk.
perimo peremi peremptum : to destroy
peritus : skilled, expert.
periurium : perjury, oath-breaking, forswearing an oath.
perlustro : to pass through, survey, look, examine.
permitto permissi permissum : to allow, permit, let.
permoveo : to excite, agitate, stir up, move.
- permuto, permutare (1v)
- to exchange (CIGL)
- perna, pernae (1df)
- ham, thigh (CIGL)
- pernicitas, pernicitatis (3df)
- agility (CIGL)
perniciosus : pernicious, destructive.
perperam : wrongly, falsely.
perpetro : to complete, accomplish, perform.
perpetuus : perpetual, lasting, continuous, uninterrupted.
perscitus : very clever, exceedingly sharp.
perscribo : to write out, write down, place on record.
perseco : to cut through, dissect, cut away.
persequor persequi persecutus : to follow, pursue, take revenge.
perseverantia : perseverance, persistence.
persevero : to persist, persevere, continue.
persisto : to persist, persevere.
persolvo : to unloose, explain, expound/pay off a debt, pay.
personam gero : to act a part.
perspicuus : transparent, bright, clear, evident.
persuadeo persuasi persuasum : (+ dat.) to persuade.
perterreo : to terrify.
pertimesco : to become very much afraid.
pertinacia : firmness, obstinacy, stubbornness.
pertinaciter : stubbornly, obstinately.
pertinax : persistent, firm, mean, stubborn, obstinate
pertinent : see pertineo
pertineo : to pertain to, relate to, concern.
pertingo : to stretch out, extend.
pertorqueo : to twist, distort.
pertraho : to drag, forcibly conduct, entice, allure.
perturbo : to disturb, trouble, perturb, disrupt.
perturpis : very disgraceful.
peruro perussi perustum : to burn up, consume/inflame, gall, chafe.
pervalidus : very strong.
pervenio : (+ acc.) to reach, attain, reach, be passed to.
perverto perverti perversum : to turn upside down, overturn, overthrow.
pervideo pervidi pervisum : to look over, survey, inspect, discern.
- pes, pedis (3dm)
- foot. (CIGL)
pessimus : worst (see malus)
pessum do: to destroy, ruin, wreck
pessum ire: to sink, be ruined, destroyed, be put to an end.
pessum : to the ground, to the bottom, downward.
pestifer : pestilential, injurious, damaging, plaguey,
pestifere : destructively, injuriously.
pestis pestis : plague, epidemic, pestilence/destruction, curse.
petitus : inclining toward
- peto, petit, petunt
- to make for, go to, seek, strive after, beg, attack. (CIGL)
peto : to ask for, beg, request, demand/to sue for.
Pevela : Pevle, near Cisoing.
pharetra : a quiver.
phasma phasmatis : ghost, spirit, specter.
phitonicum : Herimann p. 275.
pia pium : honest, godly, holy, pious, dutiful, patriotic.
pica : jay, magpie.
picea : the spruce tree
pictor : painter
pictoratus : painted/of cloth, embroidered.
piger pigra pigrum : lazy, slow, dull.
pignus : pawn, pledge, token, (in pl.) persons in pledges of
piper, piperis : pepper.
pipio : to chirp, tweet, pipe.
pirum : pear.
pirus : pear tree.
piscator : fisherman.
- piscina, piscinae (1df)
- fishpond (CIGL)
- piscis, piscis (3dm/f)
- fish. (CIGL)
pius: dutiful, godly, holy, upright, kind, honest, affectionate.
- placeo, placet, placent
- (+ dat.) to please, be agreeable to, be pleased (CIGL)
placet : it is agreed, it is resolved, it seems good.
placide : quitely, gently.
placidus : quiet, still, gentle.
placitum : judgment, case/plea, litigation/defense.
placitum : accord, agreement, pact/assembly for judgment.
placo : to placate, appease.
plaga : district, zone, region.
plagiarius : kid-napper, plagiarist
plane : plainly, clearly.
plango planxi plactum : to strike, beat/bewail, mourn.
platea : street, courtyard.
plaustrum : wagon, cart, charles Wain.
plebs plebis : the common people, the masses, the crowd.
plecto : to punish.
plector : to be punished.
plene : (adv.) completely, wholly, fully.
plenus : full, complete, full, satisfied, rich, mature, plump.
plerumque : for the most part, generally, commonly, mostly.
plerusque : very many, a great number, a large part, the greater part.
plico : to fold.
plorabilis : deplorable.
plorator : a lamenter.
ploratus : weeping, lamenting.
ploro : to lament, weep, weep over.
pluit pluvit : it is raining, a shower is falling.
pluma : feather/featherbed/pen.
plumbeus : leaden, made of lead/dull, stupid, heavy, oppressive, bad.
plumbum album : tin.
plumbum : lead, a bullet, lead pipe.
pluo : to rain, shower, sprinkle.
plura : more numerous, several, many.
plures : more numerous, several, many.
plurimi : at the highest price, of the highest worth.
plurimus : most, very many.
pluris : (gen.) at a higher price, of a great value
plus : more.
plusculus : somewhat more, rather more.
pluvia : rain, shower.
pluvialis : pertaining to rain, of rain.
pocius potius : rather, preferably.
poema poematis : poem, verse, rhyme.
- poena, peonae (1df)
- pain, punishment, penalty/poena dare : to pay the penalty.
poeta : (masc.) poet.
polenta : pearl barley, barley groats.
pollen : (also pollis ): fine flour, fine meal.
polleo : to be strong, powerful, able.
pollex : thumb, big toe.
polliceor : to promise, offer.
pollicitus : promised, a promise.
pomum : fruit, apple.
pono posui positum : to lay, place, put, set/(milit.) post, station.
pons pontis : bridge.
poples, poplitis (3dm) : behind the knee, hamstring (CIGL)
poposco : see posco : Herimann, cap. 28, 69.
- populus, populi (2dm)
- people, the people, nation, crowd, audience, multitude, host. (CIGL)
porro : forward, further, next, in turn, (of time) long ago.
porta : gate, entrance.
port-a-nt : (1v) they are carrying
posco : to call upon, ask earnestly, request.
positus : position, place, arrangment.
possessio : possession, property.
possum posse potum : to be able, avail, have influence.
- possum, potest, possunt
- be able (CIGL)
post : (+ acc.) after, behind.
postea : afterwards.
posteri : posterity.
posterus, postremo : subsequent, following, next, future.
posthabeo : [posthabito] : to put after, consider of less account.
postpono : to put after, consider secondary.
postquam : (conj.) after.
postulo : to ask.
potens : able, mighty, powerful, strong.
potestas : power, ability, authority/opportunity.
potior : (+ gen. or dat.) to possess, hold, get possession of.
potissimum : (adv.) chiefly, most of all.
potissimus : best of all, chief, principal.
potius : rather, preferably
prae dulcis/pre dulcis : exceedingly sweet.
prae se ferre/pre se ferre : to show, exhibit, on account of.
prae quam/pre quam : in comparison with.
prae pre : (prep. with abl.) before,
prae pre : (adv.) before, in front.
praebeo prebeo : to offer, hold out, supply, provide, allow.
praebeo prebeo : (+ refl.) to show oneself, present oneself.
praecedo precedo : to precede, go before/surpass, excel.
praecedunt : see praecedo
praecelsus precelsus : exceedingly high.
praecepio precepio : precept, preconception.
praeceptum preceptum : precept.
praecido : to cut short, lop, mutilate.
praecipio, precipio : to instruct, advise, warn, anticipate.
praecipuus precipuus: excellent, distinguished, extraordinary.
praeclarus preclarus : excellent, famous, beautiful, striking.
praeconor preconor : to be a public crier, to herald, proclaim.
praecox precox : ripe beforehand, premature.
praeda preda : plunder, booty, spoils of war, loot, gain, prey.
praedico predico : to warn, admonish, instruct, foretell.
praeeo preeo : to go before, precede/to say in advance/to order.
praefero prefero : to carry in front, display, prefer.
praefero prefero : anticipate, carry by, ride by.
praeficio preficio/prefeci prefectum : to put in charge of
praefinio prefinio : to appoint ahead of time
praefoco prefoco : to choke, suffocate.
praegravo pregravo : to press heavily upon, weigh down, oppress.
praemitto : to send forward, dispatch, send in advance.
praemium premium : reward, prize.
praemo premo : to press down, strike down.
praenuntio, prenuntio : to foretell, announce before hand.
praenuntius prenuncius : foretelling, harbinger, omen, token.
praepono prepono : to set over, prefer.
praepositus prepositus : (monastic) prior.
praeproperus, preproperus: over-hasty, precipitate.
praesentia presentia : presence, presence of mind, effect, power.
praesentia presencia : power, effect.
praesidium presidium : guard, garrison, detachment/protection.
praestans prestans : excellent, distinguished, imminent.
praestantia prestantia: superiority, excellence.
- praesto, praestat, praestant
- to answer for, be responsible, to stand before, be outstanding, excell, surpass, show, to do, perform, display, fulfill, offer, present. (CIGL)
praesul presul : dancer/presider, protector, director.
praesum presum : to be at the head of, be in charge of.
praesumo presumo : to anticipate, take for granted.
praeter : adj., except; prep. + acc., besides, beyond, more than.
praeterea preterea : besides, further, hereafter.
praetereo pretereo : to pass over, pass by, omit.
praeteritus preteritus : past.
praetermissio pretermissio : neglect, passing over, omission.
praetorgredior pretergredior : to pass beyond, go beyond.
praevenio, prevenio : to come before, anticipate.
praevenio : get the start of.
- prandium, prandi (2dn)
- dinner (CIGL)
pravitas : crookedness, depravity, deformity, perversity.
preastolatio prestolatio : the waiting for, expectation.
precipio : to anticipate, instruct, advise, warn.
precipue : chiefly, especially, particularly.
precor : to pray, beg, entreat, invoke.
prehendo : to seize, snatch, grasp, detain, arrest.
premo pressi pressum : to squeeze, press down, strike down.
prenda : booty, loot, stolen goods.
pretereo : to go by, pass by, escape.
- pretium, preti (2dn)
- price, value, reward. (CIGL)
prevenire : to come to, go before hand, attend.
prex precis : request, entreaty, prayer.
primitus : first, for the first time.
primo : first, at first, at the beginning, at the start.
primoris : first, foremost/most distinguished, first.
primum : quam primum : as soon as possible.
primum : at first, for the first time, in the first place.
princeps : chief, prince.
principatus : rule, dominion, pre-eminence, first place.
principium : beginning.
prior prius : former, prior.
priores, um : forefathers, ancestors.
priscus : ancient, antique, former, old days, venerable.
pristinus : former, venerable, ancient.
prius : before, formerly.
priusquam : (conj.) before.
- privatus
- private, unofficial, a private person. (CIGL)
privigna : step-daughter.
privo : to deprive
privus : (with gen.) deprived of.
pro eo : because of the fact, because, for this reason..
pro : (+ abl.) in return for, instead of/for, as.
pro : (+ abl.) in front of, before/on behalf of, for.
probitas : probity, uprightness, honesty.
probo : to show, prove, demonstrate, approve, find good, judge.
procedo : to go out, come out/result, prosper/turn out well.
procedo : to go ahead, proceed, advance, continue.
procella : storm, tempest, gale; (milit) charge, onset, wave.
procella : storm, tempest, gale.
procer : chief noble, prince.
procinctu : prepared or ready for battle.
procul : far, at, to, from a distance.
- procumbo, procumbit, procumbunt
- fall down (CIGL)
procurator : manager, bailiff, agent.
prodigiosus : unnatural, wonderful, miraculous, amazing.
proditor : traitor, betrayer.
proeliis : see proelium
proelium : battle.
profecto : truly, really, indeed.
profero : to carry out, bring forth.
proficio : to make progress, advance.
proficio : advance, assist, help, aid, be of use.
proficiscor : to depart, set out, to start forward, to arise.
proficuus : proficiscor : to start forward, set out, depart, arise.
profiteor: to make a public statement/to declare oneself.
profiteor: to acknowledge, confess/offer, promise.
profor profari profatus : to speak out.
profugus : fleeing, fugitive, banished, migratory.
profundo frofui profusum : to pour forth, gush, stream.
profundum : a depth, abyss, chasm/the sea.
profundus : deep, profound, high, thick, dense, boundless.
progener : husband of a grand-daughter.
progenero : to produce, engender.
progenies : descent, lineage, progeny, offspring, descendants.
progenitor : founder of a family, ancestor.
progigno progenui progenitum : to engender, bring forth.
prognatus : born, sprung from/son.
progredior : to go forth, advance, proceed, go out.
progressio : advance, progress, increase.
progressus : advance, going forward, increase, a royal circuit.
prohibent : see prohibeo
prohibeo : to prevent, hinder, restrain, prohibit, forbid.
prohibitio : prohibition, restrain, forbidding.
proicio : to throw forth, fling, abandon.
proinde ut: proinde quam: just as.
proinde quasi proinde ac si : just as if.
proinde : consequently, therefore, as a result.
prolabor : to slide forward, slip forward, fall forward, fall down.
prolapsio : a slipping or sliding.
prolatio : a bringing forward, mentioning/extension/deferring.
prolato : to enlarge, lengthen, extend/put off, defer.
prolecto : to entice, allure.
proles : offspring, descendants, posterity, (plants : fruit).
proletarius : a citizen of the lowest rank.
prolicio prolixi : to lure forth, entice.
prolix : long, stretching.
prolixus : wide, broad, long/willing, obliging, favorable.
proloquor : to speak out, declare openly.
proluo prolu prolutum : to wash away, wash clean.
prolusio : preliminary exercise, prelude.
proluvier : inundation/scouring/discharge.
promereo promereor : to deserve, merit
promeritum : desserts, merit, credit.promissio : a promise.
prominens : jutting out, standing out/a projection.
promineo : to stand out, jut, extend.
promisce promiscue : indiscriminately.
promiscus promiscuus : mixed, indiscriminate/commonplace, usual.
promissio : a promise
promissor : a promiser, suretor, guarantor.
promitto : to let go, send forth, undertake, promise.
promitto : to let go forward, send forth, promise, undertake.
promo prompsi promptum : to produce, disclose, bring forth.
promontorium : peak, mountain crest, ridge, promontory.
promoveo promovi promotum : push forward, move ahead, advance.
prompte : promptly, resolutely, readily.
promptu : in promptu habere : to have read, display, have on show.
promptu : in promptu ponere : to make clear, reveal, disclose.
promptu : in promptu esse : to be ready, to be easy, to be clear.
promptus : (persons) prepared, resolute, prompt.
promptus : ready at hand, visible, apparent.
promulgatio : publication, promulgation (of a law).
promus : steward, butler.
promutuus : (cash) advanced, prepaid, arraigned beforehand.
pronepos proneptos : great-grandson
pronuntio : to proclaim, announce, declaim.
prope : near, nearly, not far from, just now, closely.
prope : near, near to, not far, not long from now.
propello : to drive before one, drive away.
propero : to hasten, speed, move rapidly, come quickly.
propero : to hasten/accelerate, speed up.
propinquo : (intrans) to come near, draw near, approach.
propinquus : near, close, similar, nearly related.
propono : display, publish, relate, tell, propose, promise.
propositum : a design, purpose, scheme, theme of discourse.
proprie : exclusively, particularly, peculiarly. properly.
proprius : one's own, special, characteristic, particular.
proprius : one's own, permanent, special, peculiar.
propter : (+ acc.) near, close, on account of, because of.
propterea : because
propugnaculum : fortification, rampart, defense.
prorsus : forward, straight ahead, to sum up, utterly, wholly.
prosequor (prosecutus) : to attack, go with, pursue, attend.
prosper : favorable, fortunate, lucky, prosperous.
prosperitas : prosperity, good fortune.
prosum (profuturus) : to be useful, of benefit, do good.
prosum : to be useful, do good, benefit (+ dative).
prosum : (with dat.) to be useful, do good, benefit.
protestor, protesto : to declare in public, affirm, bear witness.
protinus : forward, further on, continuously, immediately.
protraho (protractus): to draw out, protract, defer, make known.
prout : just as, according to.
provectus : advanced, advanced in age.
proveho : to carry on, carry forward, advance, promote,
proventus : a growing up, increase, crop, yield, or issue.
provideo : to foresee, provide, make provision for.
provisor : one who provides for, or against.
provolvere se : to throw oneself down, abase oneself.
proximeque : see proximus
proximus : nearest, closest, next.
prudens : prudent, wise.
prudenter : wisely, discreetly.
prudentia : foresight, wisdom, discretion.
Pruma : Prums.
- publicus
- of the people, public, open to all. (CIGL)
puchre : beautifully, finely, handsomely.
pudendus : shameful, disgraceful.
pudeo : to be ashamed,
pudicus : modest. chaste.
pudor : modesty, bashfulness.
- puella, puellae (1df)
- girl. (CIGL)
puer : boy.
puerilis : childish, boyish, foolish.
pueriliter : boyishly, childishly, foolishly.
puga, pyga : buttocks.
- pugil, pugilis (3dm)
- fighter (CIGL)
pugna : fight, battle, conflict, set-to.
pugnacitas : the desire to fight, pugnacity.
pugnaculum : fortress.
pugnat : he/she/it fights
pugnax : fond of fighting, combative, stubborn, contentious.
- pugno, pugnat, pugnant
- to fight. (CIGL)
pugnus : the fist.
pulchellus : pretty.
pulcher pulchra pulchrum : beautiful, handsome, fine.
pulchritudo pulchritudinis : beauty, fineness.
pulex : the flea.
pullulo : shoot up, sprout, burgeon.
pullus : dark-colored, blackish/sad, gloomy/a dark garment.
pullus : young animal/chicken, chick.
pulmentum : anything eaten with bread, sauce or relish.
pulmo : the lung.
pulpa : flesh.
pulpitum : platform, stage.
pulso : to strike (the hours)
pulsus : beating, blow, push, influence.
pulsus : beating, blow, push, impulse, influence.
pulvis : dust, powder/arena, scene of action.
pumilius pumilio : a dwarf.
punctum : a prick, little hole, puncture/a point, spot, place.
pungo pupugi punctum : to penetrate/sting, annoy, harass.
pungo pupugi punctum : to prick, puncture, stab/touch, move.
puniceus : purple, red.
- punio, punire (4v)
- to punish, avenge, gave vengeance. (CIGL)
punitor : punisher, avenger.
pupa : doll/little girl.
pupillus pupilla : orphan, ward.
puppis : stern of a ship, the poop.
pupula : pupil of the eye.
purgamentum : rubbish, trash, filth, sweepings.
purgatio: cleaning out, cleansing/excsuing, justification.
purgo : to clean, cleanse, purify/clear away, wash off/justify.
purpura : purple dye, purple cloth/high rank, emperorship.
purus : pure, free from.
pusillus : tiny, puny/petty, mean.
putator : pruner.
puteo : to stink, be redolent, smell bad.
puter : rotten, decayed, putrid/loose, crumbling/flabby.
putesco : to putrefy, day, rot.
puteus : well, pit.
puto : to clear, settle up, consider, think, believe, suppose, judge.
putus : pure, unmixed, unadulterated.
pyropus : bronze.
pyus pyxidis : a little box, casket.
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