Saturday, 13 February 2010


Palm Pilot

Palm Pilot

The Palm IIIc has eight megabytes of memory which sounds very little but an average size for an application is less than 100 kilobytes and even complete books can be that size or smaller. For instance Lewis Carroll's Alice in Wonderland is only 66k in Plucker format (without Tenniel's illustrations unfortunately).

You can get a lot of books already formatted as Plucker pdb files from Curtis Weyant and David Maddock's Plucker Books website. There are many other sites that deliver Plucker files and of course you can use Plucker or JPluck to distill your own from web sites or text files. The best source text format books is of course Project Gutenberg.

To make my desultory Latin studies easier I have converted my LatinDictionary to Plucker format, get it here.

Here are some more sites that offer Plucker files (in no particular order and without any special recommendation):

Even if a book is not in Plucker format you can easily convert it by using the original Plucker tools or, more conveniently, JPluck. You can even add a bookmarklet to your browser to add documents to JPluck directly.

Here are a few other sites:

Other sites of interest to those wanting to put books on-line:

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