Wednesday, 17 February 2010




/ BasicLatin / InDex



Lesson I. -- Pensum Primum


A. LATTN Gn.nn000, considered so a ocience, hon for its object the iavcotigotioo of the laws which gocera the forms aad the coostruction of the lasgooge. When destined for the procticot porposes of isotractios, it hecomes the art of Icaroing to read, write, and speak the Latin language with eorrretocso. oc ThE AI,rnannT.

B. The letters of the Latin alphabet are twentyfmoc:—A,a; Il,b; C,c; Pd; F.,e; F,!; G,g; It, h; Li; J,j; K, h; LI; M,m; N, a; O,o; P,p; Q,q;It,r;S,o;T,t;U,n;V,e;X,x;Y,y;Z,e.

Letters are di, ided tots vowels (tIttecao roesha) aad eanoanaoto (Itoerse conecoostee). Tt,e aoand of vowels is complete in itself, whereas thot of ranoanants heeomes distinct asty in coojanetian with avon el or vownI.s 055 a:eoca055n.

C. TIme simple vowels of the Lntin alphahet ace civ: a, e, d, s, o, p. To these may be added thr doable vowrIo or diphthangs oc (me), ot, an, ci, ea, oc (me), ci, a,,d at. t. The vowel p Qqrdco) t, only fosod to woeda adopted tismo the (lweh, on Cqroe, tto500mo, eyoyeoptos I The diphthoogn ci, ci, nod ni ocear only tan few iatoejecmions,

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