So, you ask, what do I do to become a Net Atheist? It's simple. Simply copy the gif below, put it on your home page, link it here, and you're in! Hey, it's free, and it's time we stand up
together and say: "Yeah, I'm an atheist and I'm sick of your crap!"
How to ensure that Blogger complies with the browser language settings?
I am currently in Poland but my browser language preference is en-gb/en. But blogger sows me the UI in Polish. When I return home I will be in Norway and presumably Blogger will be equally stupid and show me the UI in Norwegian. Please be so kind as to answer questions on the forum, and also to adhere to the sensible practice of giving the UI in the requested language not the one of the region you think the user is in.
According to Tolle, lege! 1400 words cover 80% of all Classical Latin
text. So here is a copy of the list from that site. For my own
dictionary see this document LatinDictionary. The Tolle, lege! site
has disappeared and the link now points at a local mirror on my own
hard disk (useful to me but not to you, sorry) but there are links on
the web to other pages by the same author. Try
Latin Poetry by Vojin Nedeljkovic for something a little newer than
the usual texts.
Tolle, lege!
The Fourteen Hundred
Did you know that being familiar with approximately 1400 Latin words
enables you to read almost any Latin text without having to use the
dictionary more than a couple of times per page? Those 1400 words make
up what is called the basic Latin vocabulary. At least 80 per cent of
any Latin text is made of words belonging to the basic vocabulary.
The following word list is based mainly on
E. Habenstein-E. Hermes-H. Zimmermann, Grund- und Aufbauwortschatz
Latein, Stuttgart: Ernst Klett Schulbuchverlag 1990. (The book itself
is very intelligent and quite handy: a great relief for the beginner.)
You may wish to keep this list for future reference, so that you can
either (1) read it and mark the entries you do not recognise, then
build up your vocabulary by learning those first, or (2) use it while
you work on a Latin text to decide whether a word you are looking up
in the dictionary deserves special attention.
I (KJW) have added the output from Perry Rapp's Verba (William
Whitaker's Words) where I have used this list and Verba to help me
These texts all have complete concordances so that you can see every
usage of every word. Unfortunately the concordance treats each form
of a Latin word as a distinct word.
Lynn Nelson
Lynn Nelson's word list is available on all sorts of web pages.
A. LATTN Gn.nn000, considered so a ocience, hon for its object the
iavcotigotioo of the laws which gocera the forms aad the coostruction
of the lasgooge. When destined for the procticot porposes of
isotractios, it hecomes the art of Icaroing to read, write, and speak
the Latin language with eorrretocso. oc ThE AI,rnannT.
B. The letters of the Latin alphabet are twentyfmoc:—A,a; Il,b;
C,c; Pd; F.,e; F,!; G,g; It, h; Li; J,j; K, h; LI; M,m; N, a; O,o;
P,p; Q,q;It,r;S,o;T,t;U,n;V,e;X,x;Y,y;Z,e.
Letters are di, ided tots vowels (tIttecao roesha) aad eanoanaoto
(Itoerse conecoostee). Tt,e aoand of vowels is complete in itself,
whereas thot of ranoanants heeomes distinct asty in coojanetian with
avon el or vownI.s 055 a:eoca055n.
C. TIme simple vowels of the Lntin alphahet ace civ: a, e, d, s, o,
p. To these may be added thr doable vowrIo or diphthangs oc (me), ot,
an, ci, ea, oc (me), ci, a,,d at. t. The vowel p Qqrdco) t, only fosod
to woeda adopted tismo the (lweh, on Cqroe, tto500mo, eyoyeoptos I The
diphthoogn ci, ci, nod ni ocear only tan few iatoejecmions,
I have several digital cameras and a Nokia N73 mobile. The mobile
knows where it is at all times because the network tells it the ID of
the cell in which it is sitting. The mobile also has a camera which
is very handy because, unlike my other cameras, it is always with me
so whenever I see something interesting I can snap it.
This means I take more pictures than before so now I have an even
greater problem of identifying the locations, or will have in the
But if I can write a simple program to log the names of the cells I
can surely write another program that can look at the dates and times
of the photographs and match them with entries in the log. then I can
add the cell ids to the IPTC data of the photographs.
I can make another list that can translate between cell ids and
locations so that the actual location can be added to the photograph
as well.
The rest of this page contains notes about what the application suite
should do. Example code will be found in CellTrackingCode.
All code running on the mobile should be in Python.
All code running on the computer must be usable in Ubuntu Linux 7.04
on x86. Python to be the preferred language and toolkit.
Component Overview
To make this work I need several pieces of sofware and some data files:
Cell tracker
an application running on the mobile that records the
date and time of entry to each cell.
Photo tagger
an application running on my computer that reads the
date and time at which each photograph was taken and searches the
log for a matching date and time so that it can add the cell id and
location to the photograph.
a list of cell ids and location names
The tagger runs on the computer so that it can tag phographs not taken
by the mobile. If it were written in Python it should be possible to
run it on the mobile as well so that the pictures are tagged
immediately after being taken.
The cell tracker must:
run continually,
not drain the battery too fast,
not require Internet access,
The cell location database must be:
amenable to manual updating,
amenable to automatic updating from public resources.
The tagger must:
operate as a command line program,
be safe. That is it must not disturb existing tags,
inform the user when a photograph has tags that conflict with the
tag that the tagger wants to apply.
Information required
To comply with the requirements I need to know how to:
launch a program when the mobile is started,
launch a program at intervals or how to cause a program to
sleep in the intervals,
save information to a file,
copy that file to the computer,
read and write IPTC tags in photograph files,
determine the date and time a photograph was taken. This can come
from the EXIF tags or, sometimes, from the filename,
find photographs in the mobile and apply tags to them immediately,
discover that a new photograph has been taken and which it is,
read a database of cell ids and locations,
update the cell location database manually,
update the cell location database from public resources.
Details of API calls, web services, IPTC and EXIF tags etc.
Initially the simplest thing to do will be to use a text file with the
cell id,mnc, mcc, lac as the first fields and the rest of the line the
cell description.
Update the cell location database from public resources
There are many public cell location resources but there appears to be
no common API or file format and the coverage is extremely variable
Yahoo ZoneTags
Yahoo has a webservice for retrieving and updating a cell location
database: ZoneTag Web Services.
To retrieve the data for a cell it is enough to construct a URL
containing the cellid, mcc, lac, and mnc values returned by
gsm_location(). The web service will send back an xml document
containing one or more location elements the child elements of which
contain the information you want (name, country, coordinates, post
code, etc.).
Unfortunately coverage is sparse. Still this is worthwhile.
This generates some secondary requirements:
need to be able to interrogate a web service using a url,
need to be able to parse the xml document that is returned.
This service could be used to populate the database for areas you have
visited or intend to visit. Unfortunately the reports it provides do
not give enough information to decide if an antenna is a cell or not
let alone the cell id, mnc, mcc, and lac.
Transfer cell location database to mobile
To retrieve data from ZoneTag Web Services we must be able issue a
REST query and parse the returned document.