Sunday, 14 March 2010


Welcome to my web site


I am a citizen of planet Earth who is rather concerned at the behaviour of some of my fellow citizens. Right now some in the neighbouring country of Denmark seem to think that arson is an appropriate response to a cartoon that they don't like the look of. How come it is always the violent and oppressive who seem to think their feelings should count for more than those of someone who draws a picture and harms no one and nothing (Kurt Westergaard)? How come they feel justified in trampling on the feelings, properties and persons of the state that gave them and their parents succour and a home.

I'm glad Anders Fogh Rasmussen places the blame firmly in the hand of those burning schools and cars and their parents.


For now I'll omit the cartoon itself. I wish I could honestly say that I omit it because it is not relevant; but, I must admit to a little fear.

We all must speak out against violence and injustice lest we end like Pastor Martin Niemoller:

And I Said Nothing
In Germany
They first came for the communists
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist.
Then they came for the Jews,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew.
Then they came for the trade-unionists,
and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist.
Then they came for the Catholics,
and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant.
Then they came for me--
and by that time
no one was left to speak up.
-- Pastor Martin Niemoller, 1945 

On a not entirely related topic, here is a book about but not of nonsense: The natural History of Nonsense, Bergen Evans, 1946 (copied from the Cape Cod History Page).


This a sort of combination blog and website. At the moment my principal spare time interest is learning Latin. To this end I am listening to Evan Millner's Latinum podcasts.

See LatinIndex

Another interest is live mathematical documents: LiveMaths.

2007 and Older Stuff

Here is the index page as it used to be a couple of years ago: PreTwoZeroZeroSeven.


Software found on this site is covered by a wide variety of licenses, ranging from public domain to very restrictive, please refer to the code files themselves for details. Unless noted otherwise any code bearing my name, Kevin Whitefoot, is covered by the Gnu Public License; a copy of Version 2, 1999 is to be found here for reference but please refer to the Free Software Foundation website for the latest version.

Browser Compatibility

Best viewed with a browser and an open mind.


OtherLinks is a grab bag of links that I have found useful or interesting at one time. Things that might have been interesting or useful in other circumstances find their way there. It's also the place for links that I thought were worth looking at but haven't had time to investigate as well as just a place where I note them down for later use.

MissingPages contains an apology for bad links and my email address.

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