Pre Two Zero Zero Seven
Welcome to my web site
This site is supposed to be a way for me to give a little back to the programming community. You can find other information and scribbles on the NonProgramming pages, in particular BueSkyting and CaughtMyEye.
Mirrors of this site might be found at Tele2,, Lycos UK, Fortune City, and Quotaless.
I'm too lazy to learn how to make a good web site but I am also egoistic enough to think that someone else might have a use for some odds and ends of software that I have written and a lot of other code that I have found on the net so I've decided to use Emacs Wiki mode. This fits my formatting style as a long time Emacs user because it does most of what I want for me. Thank you JohnWiegley for Emacs-Wiki and Hugo Haas for the rdf/rss generator.
Here is the link to my rss and to Hugo Haas' rdf/rss. Readers like FeedDemon should be able to discover the feeds directly from the web page.
In fact adding that link reminds me of another reason for this site and that is simply to celebrate the interconnectedness of the net and the people on it who give so freely of their time and expertise. So here are some links to some of the people who have helped me (whether they know it or not).
Look at the Site Index for some help navigating this rather chaotic site.
To Do
Just because there are no entries here doesn't mean I have nothing to do, just that I am not well enough organized to note it down.
Ever Lengthening Short List
Here is a short list of the stuff that interests me just now (getting a bit long now):
- VisuaBasicProfiler
- I'm fed up with being asked to pay pots of money for profiling tools when the basic problem is quite simple so this is my attempt to make my own.
- HotMailDownloader
- I have tried various tools that were supposed to handle web based mail and none have satisfied me. So I decided to write my own.
- RegKeys
- A lot can be done to add shell commands without any programming.
- PalmPilot
- Bought a secondhand Palm IIIc for USD25 last week. I still can't see why anyone would have paid UDS350 for it new but for what I paid it is a delight.
- VisualBasicMake
- VB needs a make tool. Traditional make is no good but like Pascal a lot of the information you need is in the project file. Here is my first draft: vbmake
- FreePascal
- Still hunting for the perfect language. JavaScript wasn't it or rather it might have ben if there had been Windows native implementation that could create proper GUI programs.
- VbReferenceFixing
- after years of believing that this was difficult it turns out to be dead simple.
- AutoMenu
- Maintaining the links in a private web site is a pain.
- JavaScript
- Returned to Javascript after reading Douglas Crockford's site. It seems to me that the Lisp/Scheme/Logo type of programming languages have been foolishly ignored by commercial programmers, perhaps Crockford's site can help redress the balance. Now writing a Visual Basic implementation of JavascriptObjectNotation (JSON)
- UnixText
- Back to basics. Try to make a GAWK version of the Javascript that adds menus to web pages.
- PeerToPeerNetworks
- Wouldn't it be wonderful if we could set up a global network that did not rely on telecoms companies? Probably just a pipedream but there are lots of people trying to make it happen so perhaps it is possible after all. See,
- VersionControl
- I'm using a CVSNT and TortoiseCVS now for my private projects and also setting up a demo server at work to see if it is a usable alternative to commercial configuration management tools such as Starteam.
- UnitTesting
- Well testing in general really. There are lots of misconceptions regarding testing. I thought I'd try to clear some up (and probably add some of my own).
- GnuPlot
- A very good program for plotting both formulas and data sets to windows (both X and MS), printers, picture files and more. I have created a few simple classes to make it easier for VB programs to create plots with GnuPlot. See also Octave. I don't really like gnuplot because it doesn't let me control the size of the plot window when plotting to png for web pages, might be interesting to try to create MyOwnPlotter.
- DotPlot
- software maintenance is difficult and duplicated code is one of the things that causes a lot of the trouble. Dotplots help to track it down.
- CodeQuality
- See and DotPlot.
Software found on this site is covered by a wide variety of licenses, ranging from public domain to very restrictive, please refer to the code files themselves for details. Unless noted otherwise any code bearing my name, Kevin Whitefoot, is covered by the Gnu Public License; a copy of Version 2, 1999 is to be found here for reference but please refer to the Free Software Foundation website for the latest version.
Browser Compatibility
Best viewed with a browser and an open mind.
OtherLinks is a grab bag of links that I have found useful or interesting at one time. Things that might have been interesting or useful in other circumstances find their way there. It's also the place for links that I thought were worth looking at but haven't had time to investigate as well as just a place where I note them down for later use.
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