Wednesday, 4 May 2011

Adding ability to find text files to use as body

#! /bin/bash  #=============================================== # License: GPL3 any version.  # Copyright: Kevin Whitefoot 2011  # Contact:  # Purpose: a script intended to be executed from file managers such as # Nautilus to send files to a Posterous blog.  # Dependencies: # Zenity # sendEmail  # Perl,  # Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL perl modules  # Description:   # This script accepts a number of file names as arguments and expects # a configuration file called .sendtoposterous to exist in the user's # home directory. If the configuration file does not exist then # Zenity is used to ask the user for the SMTP server name, user name, # password and recipient name (preset to but # presumably others could implement a similar blog submission # process).   # Once the configuration data has been collected from the user it is # saved and the user will not be asked again unless the # -c/--configure option is given on the command line.   #==================================================== # To do:  # - Reliable detection of filure to send.  # - Use file as body. Use file command to discover text files, # present list so user can pick one to use as the body.  #==================================================== #         $Id: sendtoposterous,v 1.10 2011/05/02 19:33:05 kj Exp $         # # $Log: sendtoposterous,v $ # Revision 1.10 2011/05/02 19:33:05 kj # Fixed tags file so that only the tags need to be present. Uses sed to add boolean False before each line. # # Revision 1.9 2011/05/02 19:21:37 kj # Tags history now works. # # Revision 1.8 2011/05/02 17:52:00 kj # Added title history and tags. # # Revision 1.7 2011/04/29 16:12:12 kj # Changed from a single config file to a config directory so that we can store history. # # Revision 1.6 2011/04/27 20:41:40 kj # Added post title as text on progress dialog. # # Revision 1.5 2011/04/27 19:41:51 kj # Removed grep filtering of progress, pulsating bar works now. # # Revision 1.4 2011/04/27 19:36:26 kj # . #  #====================================================  set -x # Uncomment for debugging   echo "Starting $0"   # Search the list of files for files that can be used as the body of # the file. findtextfiles(){  for f in "$@"  do         if file "$f" | grep text         then          textfiles=("${textfiles[@]}" "False")          textfiles=("${textfiles[@]}" "$f")         fi  done   }  # Note that you cannot use echo to output debugging information inside # this function because it is the output on stdout that the caller # uses. ask() {  zenity --entry --title="dlgtitle" --text="$1" --entry-text="$2"  if [ $? != 0 ]  then         echo "User cancelled"         set -e # Ensure that the exit in the next line exits the whole script.         exit 1  fi }  # Use a function to send so that we can start a Zenity notification # icon or progress bar. send(){  subject="$PostTitle ((tags: $PostTags))"  sendEmail -v -f "$AddrFrom" -t "$AddrTo" -u "$subject" -m "$PostBody" -s "$SMTPServer" -xu "$SMTPUser" -xp "$SMTPPass" -a "$@" | tee >(zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="$dlgtitle" --text="$PostTitle") } sendfilebody(){  subject="$PostTitle ((tags: $PostTags))"  cat "$tmpbody" | sendEmail -v -f "$AddrFrom" -t "$AddrTo" -u "$subject" -s "$SMTPServer" -xu "$SMTPUser" -xp "$SMTPPass" -a "$@" | tee >(zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="$dlgtitle" --text="$PostTitle") }   # Ask the user for a title, present the history of titles so that the # user can pick. asktitle(){   # First, ensure that the titles file has at least one line in it.  if [[ ! -s "$titlesfile" ]] then         echo "Posted by sendtoposterous on `date`" > "$titlesfile" fi  PostTitle=`cat "$titlesfile" | zenity --list \         --editable \         --title="$dlgtitle" \         --column="Title (click or enter to edit)"`  if [ "$PostTitle" = "" ]  then         exit 1  fi  # Add the selected title to a file of titles. Add to the start of  # the file. Remove duplicates so that even if the user re-uses a  # title it will only appear in the file once.  addtohistory "$PostTitle" "$titlesfile" }    # Ask the user for the tags. User can pick as many as required. asktags(){   # First, ensure that the tags file has at least one tag in it so  # that we can easily detect whether there are any..  if [[ ! -s "$tagsfile" ]] then         echo "`date`" >> "$tagsfile" fi  # Add the boolean column to the tag file and pipe it to zenity.  PostTags=`sed '/.*/i False' $tagsfile | zenity --list \         --title="$dlgtitle" \         --editable \         --checklist \         --column="Select" \         --column="Tag (click or enter to edit)" \         --separator=", "`  if [ "$PostTags" = "" ]  then # user cancelled         exit 1  fi  # Present the tag to the user as a comma separated list for  # further editing and confirmation.  PostTags=`zenity --entry \         --title="$dlgtitle" \         --text="Edit and confirm tags" \         --entry-text="$PostTags"`  # Add the selected tags to a file of tags. Add to the start of  # the file. Remove duplicates so that even if the user re-uses a  # title it will only appear in the file once.  tags=(${PostTags//,/ }) replace commas with spaces   # Back up the tags file  mv "$tagsfile" "${tagsfile}.bak"  # Write the new tags to the, now empty, tag file. Note that we do  # not need the booleans, just the tags, one per line.  for tag in "${tags[@]}"  do         echo "$tag" >> "$tagsfile"  done  # Now remove the selected tags from the backup  for tag in "${tags[@]}"  do         sed -in-place "/$tag/d" "${tagsfile}.bak"  done  # Finally append the history to the new tags  cat "${tagsfile}.bak" >> "$tagsfile" }  # Add an entry to a history file, remove duplicates, place new item at # the top. addtohistory(){  item="$1"  file="$2"  sed "/$item/d" "${file}" > "${file}.bak"  echo "$item" > "${file}"  cat "${file}.bak" >> "${file}" }   # Initialize  configdir="$HOME/.`basename $0`" config="$configdir/config" echo "looking for config file: $config" titlesfile="$configdir/titles" tagsfile="$configdir/tags" tmpbody="$configdir/tmpbody" declare -a textfiles=() dlgtitle="Send to Posterous"  # Create config directory if [ ! -d "$configdir" ] then  if [ ! mkdir "$configdir"  then         zenity --info --title="$dlgtitle" --text="Could not create configuration directory."         exit 1  fi fi  # Create config file if [ -e "$config" ] then  . "$config"  echo "loaded $config" else  echo "Not found $config"  AddrFrom=""  AddrTo=""  SMTPServer=""  SMTPUser=""  SMTPPass="" fi   if [ "$AddrFrom" = "" -o "$AddrTo" = "" -o "$SMTPServer" = "" -o "$SMTPUser" = "" -o "$SMTPPass" = "" ] then   # Set defaults  if [ "$AddrTo" = "" ]  then         AddrTo=""  fi  if [ "$SMTPServer" = "" ]  then         SMTPServer=""  fi   echo "Ask user for config"  SMTPServer=`ask "SMTP server" "$SMTPServer"`  SMTPUser=`ask "SMTP user" "$SMTPUser"`  SMTPPass=`ask "SMTP password" "$SMTPPass"`  AddrFrom=`ask "From" "$AddrFrom"`  AddrTo=`ask "To" "$AddrTo"`   # Save config  echo "SMTPServer=$SMTPServer" > "$config"  echo "SMTPUser=$SMTPUser" >> "$config"  echo "SMTPPass=$SMTPPass" >> "$config"  echo "AddrFrom=$AddrFrom" >> "$config"  echo "AddrTo=$AddrTo" >> "$config"  else  echo "Got config" fi  # Now ask the user for the title and body asktitle asktags  PostBody="" # Always add a space to the body to ensure that sendEmail doesn't # think it needs to ask again. findtextfiles "$@" echo "debug text files: ${textfiles[@]}" if [ "${#textfiles[@]}" -ne "0" ] then  bodyfiles=`zenity --title="$dlgtitle" --text="Pick one or more files." --checklist --list --column="select" --column="file" "${textfiles[@]}"` fi  # Now we have everything we can construct the command line except the # body. Show a progress bar so the user knows we are trying even # though we cannot report progress. echo "text files: ${textfiles[@]}" echo "body files: ${bodyfiles[@]}" if [ "${#bodyfiles[@]}" -ne "0" ] then  cat "${bodyfiles[@]}" > "$tmpbody"  sendresult=`sendfilebody "$@"` else  PostBody=`ask "Body" "$PostBody"`" "  sendresult=`send "$@"` fi    echo "$sendresult"  if [ $? = 0 ] then  zenity --info --title="$dlgtitle" --text="$PostTitle\rSuccess." else  zenity --warning --title="$dlgtitle" --text="Failed\r$sendresult" fi

#! /bin/bash #=============================================== # License: GPL3 any version. # Copyright: Kevin Whitefoot 2011 # Contact: # Purpose: a script intended to be executed from file managers such as # Nautilus to send files to a Posterous blog. # Dependencies: # Zenity # sendEmail  # Perl,  # Net::SSLeay and IO::Socket::SSL perl modules # Description:  # This script accepts a number of file names as arguments and expects # a configuration file called .sendtoposterous to exist in the user's # home directory. If the configuration file does not exist then # Zenity is used to ask the user for the SMTP server name, user name, # password and recipient name (preset to but # presumably others could implement a similar blog submission # process).  # Once the configuration data has been collected from the user it is # saved and the user will not be asked again unless the # -c/--configure option is given on the command line. #==================================================== # To do: # - Reliable detection of filure to send. # - Use file as body. Use file command to discover text files, # present list so user can pick one to use as the body. #==================================================== #         $Id: sendtoposterous,v 1.10 2011/05/02 19:33:05 kj Exp $         # # $Log: sendtoposterous,v $ # Revision 1.10 2011/05/02 19:33:05 kj # Fixed tags file so that only the tags need to be present. Uses sed to add boolean False before each line. # # Revision 1.9 2011/05/02 19:21:37 kj # Tags history now works. # # Revision 1.8 2011/05/02 17:52:00 kj # Added title history and tags. # # Revision 1.7 2011/04/29 16:12:12 kj # Changed from a single config file to a config directory so that we can store history. # # Revision 1.6 2011/04/27 20:41:40 kj # Added post title as text on progress dialog. # # Revision 1.5 2011/04/27 19:41:51 kj # Removed grep filtering of progress, pulsating bar works now. # # Revision 1.4 2011/04/27 19:36:26 kj # . # #==================================================== set -x # Uncomment for debugging echo "Starting $0" # Search the list of files for files that can be used as the body of # the file. findtextfiles(){ for f in "$@" do         if file "$f" | grep text         then          textfiles=("${textfiles[@]}" "False")          textfiles=("${textfiles[@]}" "$f")         fi done } # Note that you cannot use echo to output debugging information inside # this function because it is the output on stdout that the caller # uses. ask() { zenity --entry --title="dlgtitle" --text="$1" --entry-text="$2" if [ $? != 0 ] then         echo "User cancelled"         set -e # Ensure that the exit in the next line exits the whole script.         exit 1 fi } # Use a function to send so that we can start a Zenity notification # icon or progress bar. send(){ subject="$PostTitle ((tags: $PostTags))" sendEmail -v -f "$AddrFrom" -t "$AddrTo" -u "$subject" -m "$PostBody" -s "$SMTPServer" -xu "$SMTPUser" -xp "$SMTPPass" -a "$@" | tee >(zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="$dlgtitle" --text="$PostTitle") } sendfilebody(){ subject="$PostTitle ((tags: $PostTags))" cat "$tmpbody" | sendEmail -v -f "$AddrFrom" -t "$AddrTo" -u "$subject" -s "$SMTPServer" -xu "$SMTPUser" -xp "$SMTPPass" -a "$@" | tee >(zenity --progress --pulsate --auto-close --title="$dlgtitle" --text="$PostTitle") } # Ask the user for a title, present the history of titles so that the # user can pick. asktitle(){ # First, ensure that the titles file has at least one line in it. if [[ ! -s "$titlesfile" ]] then         echo "Posted by sendtoposterous on `date`" > "$titlesfile" fi PostTitle=`cat "$titlesfile" | zenity --list \         --editable \         --title="$dlgtitle" \         --column="Title (click or enter to edit)"` if [ "$PostTitle" = "" ] then         exit 1 fi # Add the selected title to a file of titles. Add to the start of # the file. Remove duplicates so that even if the user re-uses a # title it will only appear in the file once. addtohistory "$PostTitle" "$titlesfile" } # Ask the user for the tags. User can pick as many as required. asktags(){ # First, ensure that the tags file has at least one tag in it so # that we can easily detect whether there are any.. if [[ ! -s "$tagsfile" ]] then         echo "`date`" >> "$tagsfile" fi # Add the boolean column to the tag file and pipe it to zenity. PostTags=`sed '/.*/i False' $tagsfile | zenity --list \         --title="$dlgtitle" \         --editable \         --checklist \         --column="Select" \         --column="Tag (click or enter to edit)" \         --separator=", "` if [ "$PostTags" = "" ] then # user cancelled         exit 1 fi # Present the tag to the user as a comma separated list for # further editing and confirmation. PostTags=`zenity --entry \         --title="$dlgtitle" \         --text="Edit and confirm tags" \         --entry-text="$PostTags"` # Add the selected tags to a file of tags. Add to the start of # the file. Remove duplicates so that even if the user re-uses a # title it will only appear in the file once. tags=(${PostTags//,/ }) replace commas with spaces # Back up the tags file mv "$tagsfile" "${tagsfile}.bak" # Write the new tags to the, now empty, tag file. Note that we do # not need the booleans, just the tags, one per line. for tag in "${tags[@]}" do         echo "$tag" >> "$tagsfile" done # Now remove the selected tags from the backup for tag in "${tags[@]}" do         sed -in-place "/$tag/d" "${tagsfile}.bak" done # Finally append the history to the new tags cat "${tagsfile}.bak" >> "$tagsfile" } # Add an entry to a history file, remove duplicates, place new item at # the top. addtohistory(){ item="$1" file="$2" sed "/$item/d" "${file}" > "${file}.bak" echo "$item" > "${file}" cat "${file}.bak" >> "${file}" } # Initialize  configdir="$HOME/.`basename $0`" config="$configdir/config" echo "looking for config file: $config" titlesfile="$configdir/titles" tagsfile="$configdir/tags" tmpbody="$configdir/tmpbody" declare -a textfiles=() dlgtitle="Send to Posterous" # Create config directory if [ ! -d "$configdir" ] then if [ ! mkdir "$configdir" then         zenity --info --title="$dlgtitle" --text="Could not create configuration directory."         exit 1 fi fi # Create config file if [ -e "$config" ] then . "$config" echo "loaded $config" else echo "Not found $config" AddrFrom="" AddrTo="" SMTPServer="" SMTPUser="" SMTPPass="" fi if [ "$AddrFrom" = "" -o "$AddrTo" = "" -o "$SMTPServer" = "" -o "$SMTPUser" = "" -o "$SMTPPass" = "" ] then # Set defaults if [ "$AddrTo" = "" ] then         AddrTo="" fi if [ "$SMTPServer" = "" ] then         SMTPServer="" fi echo "Ask user for config" SMTPServer=`ask "SMTP server" "$SMTPServer"` SMTPUser=`ask "SMTP user" "$SMTPUser"` SMTPPass=`ask "SMTP password" "$SMTPPass"` AddrFrom=`ask "From" "$AddrFrom"` AddrTo=`ask "To" "$AddrTo"` # Save config echo "SMTPServer=$SMTPServer" > "$config" echo "SMTPUser=$SMTPUser" >> "$config" echo "SMTPPass=$SMTPPass" >> "$config" echo "AddrFrom=$AddrFrom" >> "$config" echo "AddrTo=$AddrTo" >> "$config" else echo "Got config" fi # Now ask the user for the title and body asktitle asktags PostBody="" # Always add a space to the body to ensure that sendEmail doesn't # think it needs to ask again. findtextfiles "$@" echo "debug text files: ${textfiles[@]}" if [ "${#textfiles[@]}" -ne "0" ] then bodyfiles=`zenity --title="$dlgtitle" --text="Pick one or more files." --checklist --list --column="select" --column="file" "${textfiles[@]}"` fi # Now we have everything we can construct the command line except the # body. Show a progress bar so the user knows we are trying even # though we cannot report progress. echo "text files: ${textfiles[@]}" echo "body files: ${bodyfiles[@]}" if [ "${#bodyfiles[@]}" -ne "0" ] then cat "${bodyfiles[@]}" > "$tmpbody" sendresult=`sendfilebody "$@"` else PostBody=`ask "Body" "$PostBody"`" " sendresult=`send "$@"` fi echo "$sendresult" if [ $? = 0 ] then zenity --info

Posted via email from kwhitefoot's posterous

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