Thursday, 11 March 2010

Total Parsing

Let's parse 'Sed quis custodiet ipsos custodes'.

but, LatinDictionary:sed
verb guards? LatinDictionary:custodia
self, selves LatinDictionary:ipsos
noun guardians? LatinDictionary:custodia

Well that wasn't very good was it? Let's see if I can find out any more using the mirrored web sites.

Here is one link from Claude Pavur's part of the mirror:

And that illustrates why I love Emacs, just paste a URL into it and it underlines it, highlights it and, if you click it, it browses it straight away; RMS forever!

Here is the relevant detail:

Interrogative Pronouns, Nominative Singular and Plural

Quis (m./f.) hoc ignôrat? Who does not know this?
Quî (m.) hoc ignôrant? Who (m.) do not know this?
Quae (f.) hoc ignôrant? Who (f.) do not know this?
Quid hoc ignôrat? What does not know this?
Quae hoc ignôrant? What [things] do not know this?

Because the mirror is composed of local files we can use the find function to search for words. Unfortunately searching for a single word doesn't discriminate between files that simply use the word and those that might say something about it.

I need to find an online dictionary that I can mirror.

Of course this total parsing idea is not new see this link:

Try to follow the GRASP method:


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