This is just a copy of the vocab tables from the SprachProfi site combined into a single table, with occasional annotation. I have also combined and repeated some entries to put related words together (ibi and ubi for example). I have also included some of the vocabulary that JM said need not be learnt.
The abbreviations in the Similar modern words column indicate the language:
Abbreviation | Language |
F | French |
I | Italian |
EO | Esperanto |
D | German (Deutsch) |
Latin | English | Similar or related modern words |
adest | he/she/it is there | . |
adsunt | they are there | . |
adversarius | opponent | adversary |
aedificium | building | . |
amat | he/she/it loves | . |
amica | (female) friend, girlfriend | F. ami |
amicus | (male) friend, boyfriend | F. ami |
appropinquat | he/she/it approaches | approximate |
argentum | silver | . |
aurum | gold | . |
auscultat | he/she/it listens (to the speakers who talked to the crowd) | . |
autem | but, however | . |
bonum | the good, possession | . |
bonus | good, efficient | . |
certe | certainly, surely | . |
cessat | (she) has people wait for her | . |
clamat | he/she/it screams, shouts | clamour |
cogitat | he/she/it thinks, intends | . |
contentus | content, satisfied | . |
crepat | he/she/it clanks, creaks, clashes | . |
cum | (always) when | . |
cunctus | complete, whole; Plural: all | . |
cur | why? | . |
delectat | he/she/it pleases, delights | delectation |
diu | long, for a long time | . |
divitiae (always plural) | treasures, riches, wealth | . |
dolet | he/she/it feels pain, regrets | . |
donum | present, donation | . |
ecce! | See! There! Voilà! | . |
elephantus | elephant | elephant |
est | he/she/it is | F: est |
et | and; also | F: et |
etiam | also, even | . |
exspectat | he/she/it waits, waits for sb. | . |
fabula | story, theatre play | . |
fidus | loyal, reliable | . |
fortasse | perhaps | . |
forum | Forum, marketplace | . |
gaudet | he/she/it is happy | D: Gaudi |
gladius | sword | . |
gratus | grateful; comfortable, dear, welcome | . |
hic | here | . |
hodie | today, nowadays | . |
iam | already; now (q.v. nunc) | EO: jam |
ibi, ubi | there, where | . |
imprimis | especially, mainly | . |
incitat | he/she/it incites, provokes | incite |
intrat | he/she/it enters | . |
invitat | he/she/it invites | . |
itaque | therefore | . |
lacrima | tear | . |
libenter | with pleasure, willingly, gladly | . |
ludus | O-decl., game, show; school | interlude |
ludos | acc. pl. games | . |
magnus | big, important | . |
me | me | me |
monumentum | monument | . |
multus | much, many, abundant | . |
nam | because; namely | . |
narrat | he/she/it tells, reports | narrator |
nec... nec | neither... nor | . |
neque / nec | and not, also not; but not | . |
neque... neque | neither... nor | . |
non | not | I, F: non |
non iam | not anymore | . |
non solum... sed etiam | not just..., but also | . |
nondum | not yet | . |
nunc | now (q.v. iam) | D: nun |
populus | people, audience | population |
possidet | he/she/it possesses | . |
potest | he/she/it can | . |
puella | girl | . |
pugna | fight | pugnacious |
pugnat | he/she/it fights | pugnacious |
que (as suffix) | and | . |
quod | because; that | . |
respondet | he/she/it answers | responds |
ridet | he/she/it laughs | deride |
rogat | he/she/it asks | interrogate |
rostrum | beak, rammer of a ship; rostra (Plural) | . |
rostrum | platform (on the forum in Rome, its walls were ornamented with captured rammers) | roster? |
saepe | often | . |
salutat | he/she/it greets | salute |
sed | but | EO: sed |
sedet | he/she/it sits | seat, sedentary |
sic(with verbs) | so, this way | . |
solum | just (merely? KJW) | sole? |
sonat | he/she/it sounds | . |
spectat | he/she/it watches | spectator |
stat | he/she/it stands (there) | static |
stultus | stupid, foolish | . |
subito | suddenly | I: subito |
sunt | they are | . |
taberna | shop | tavern |
tacet | he/she/it is silent | tacit |
te | you (Accusative, like "me") | F. tu |
templum | temple, holy site | . |
temptat | he/she/it tries, attacks | . |
tenet | he/she/it holds | tenet, tenacious |
theatrum | theatre | . |
tot | so many | . |
tuba | tuba, trumpet | tuba |
tum | then, afterwards, at that time | . |
turba | crowd | turbulent (like or in the manner of a crowd) |
ubi, ibi | where, there | . |
valde | very | No: veldig? . |
videt | he/she/it sees | . |
vocat | he/she/it shouts, calls | vocation (calling) |
vulnerat | he/she/it wounds, hurts | vulnerable |
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