This is just here for reference. It enumerates the formula objects and extracts the text, converts it to expressions and so on. But, it doesn't execute them because there is no convenient way of doing it. A JavaScript version will be created.
'******************************************************************************** ' Copyright (C) 2007 Kevin Whitefoot ' Losely based on code Copyright (C) 2003 Laurent Godard ' 'This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or 'modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public 'License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either 'version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. 'This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, 'but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of 'MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU 'Lesser General Public License for more details. ' 'You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public 'License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software 'Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA '****************************************************************************** ' OPTION EXPLICIT private Sub EvaluateFormula(roFormule as object, roValues as string) as double Dim sFormula as String sFormula = FormulaToString(roFormule.Formula) dim nValue as double dim bIsDefinition as boolean dim i as integer dim n as double i=instr(rsFormula,"=") bIsDefinition = mid$(rsFormula,i-1,1)=":" sRHS = trim(mid$(rsFormula,i+1)) if bISDefinition then sLHS= trim(left$(rsFormula,i-2)) n = EvaluateString(sRHS, roValues, rlValuesInUse) SetValue rsValues, sLHS, n else sLHS= trim(left$(rsFormula,i-1)) if GetValue(rsValues, sLHS, n) then roFormule = sLHS & " = " & n endif endif EvaluateFormula = n End Sub private function GetValue(rsValues as string, rsKey as string, byref rnValue as double) as boolean dim iStartKey as integer dim iStartValue as integer dim iEnd as integer GetValue = FindValue(rsValues, rsKey, rlStartKey, rlStartValue, rlEnd) if GetValue then rnValue = mid(rsValues, iStartKey, iEnd-iStartKey) endif end function private sub SetValue(byref rsValues as string, rsKey as string, byref rnValue as double) dim iStartKey as integer dim iStartValue as integer dim iEnd as integer dim sEntry as string sEntry = "|" & rsKey & "=" & rnValue & "|" if FindValue(rsValues, rsKey, rlStartKey, rlStartValue, rlEnd) then rsvalues=left(rsvalues, iStartKey-1) & sEntry & mid(rsvalues,iEnd+1) else rsValues = rsValues & sEntry endif end sub private function FindValue(rsValues as string, rsKey as string, _ byref rlStartKey as integer, _ byref rlStartValue as integer, _ byref rlEnd as integer) as boolean iStartKey = instr(rsvalues, "|" & rsKey & "=") if iStartKey<>0 then FindValue = true iStartValue = iStartKey+3+len(rsKey) rlEnd = instr(istart, "|") else FindValue= false endif end function private Sub EvaluateString(rsFormula as string, _ roValues() as object, _ rlValuesInUse as integer) as double End Sub public Sub ExtractFormulas dim oDesktop as object dim oDocument as object oDesktop = createUnoService("") oDocument = oDesktop.getCurrentComponent Call EvaluateFormulas(oDocument) End Sub '*********************************************************************** private Sub EvaluateFormulas(roDocument as object) dim aValues(1 to 50,1 to 2) as object ' Dammit! No hashtables, have to go to JavaScript or Java after all. dim lValuesInUse as integer dim oObjects as object oObjects=roDocument.getEmbeddedObjects dim i as integer for i=0 to oObjects.count-1 dim oObject as object oObject =oObjects(i) if oObject.getImplementationName="SwXTextEmbeddedObject" then on error resume next if oObject.embeddedObject.getImplementationName="" then EvaluateFormula(oObject.embeddedObject, aValues, lValuesInUse) on error goto 0 endif endif next i end sub ' Remove size declarations, replace curly brackets, replace times and over. ' Remove initial and final brackets if any. private function RemoveSize(rsFormula as string) as string dim sFormula as string sFormula = rsFormula do dim iStart as integer iStart=instr(1, sFormula, "size", 1) if iStart=0 then exit do endif iEnd = iStart+5 do while mid$(sFormula, iEnd, 1)<>"{" iEnd = iEnd + 1 loop sFormula = left$(sFormula, iStart-1) & mid$(sformula, iEnd) loop RemoveSize = sFormula end function ' Remove size declarations, replace curly brackets, replace times and over. ' Remove initial and final brackets if any. private function Replace(rs as string, rsWhat as string, rsWith as string) as string dim s as string s = rs do dim iStart as integer iStart=instr(1, s, rsWhat, 1) if iStart=0 then exit do endif s = left$(s, iStart-1) & rsWith & mid$(s, iStart + len(rsWhat)) loop Replace = s end function ' Remove size declarations, replace curly brackets, replace times and over. ' Remove initial and final brackets if any. private function FormulaToString(rsFormula as string) as string dim s as string s = trim(Replace(Replace(Replace(Replace(removeSize(rsFormula), "{","("),"}",")"),"times","*"),"over","/")) if left$(s,1) = "(" then s= mid$(s,2,len(s)-2) endif FormulaToString = s end function </pre>
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